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All About a Guy Named "ME"
Yup! That's ME!!

ME is:
- given birth on the faithful day of 11 may 1995
- a Male
- a Singaporean
- height 164cm, weight 44kg (last updated: 24 Sep 2009)
- studying at Nan Chiau Primary Catholic High School
- in 1C, 2B, 3H, 4C, 5D, 6D, 1-3, 2-3, 3-4
- Nucleii Head of Programming 2009 - 2010
- a Lance Corporal in NCC Land (ORD: 2011), aspiring to be at least a Staff Sergeant
- Class Chairman of 2-3`09
- OAL`09
- someone with an IQ of 158 (Accuracy as of 4 Oct 2008)
- another EGOMANIAC

Loves to:
- eat and sleep
- hang out with a bunch of people known as friends
- use the comp.
- do thousands of other things that EGOMANIACS love to do (like looking in the mirror)
- do retarded PTs

To find me:
- Look for the coolest dude on the street, that's ME
- email: enforcer-of-justice@live.com.sg, or if you prefer the more inactive one: jerryzhaneshadows@hotmail.com
- Facebook me!
- Call 9_2_4_0_

Do I know you?

Boh Jun
Chee Kiang
Grandpa Lam Cheng
Guang En
Hao Ran
Jia Wei
Jia Yi
Jun Jia
Nan Zheng
Riho Mei
Senior Chek Wei
Senior Dennis
Shen Yang
Wei Kiat
Wei Liang
Wen Zuo
Weng Tuck
Xian Da
Yan Xiu
Ying Zhi
Yoong Jin
You Kuan
Yun Da
Yun Hsiu
Zhi Ming

Say something, anything!!
Blah Blah Blah...

don't be rude
Designer: Rainbowpopcorn:D
Base codes: Rapt
Resources: x x
Hosts: x x

the past

October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010

Thursday 14 January 2010
14 Jan 2010

Juz took Sec 2 Camp..
Last Friday to 2 Days ago..
Long camp and tiring camp for the sec 2s
But fun and interesting for the oals..
I took joseph 1 for both batches..

1st batch
Followed Joseph 1 almost everywhere
Was grouped with Edwin, Dao Shen and... Nicholas..
Some ppl would be chuckling by now..
So anw, we followed our J1 wherever they go..
I din pump them much..
Abt 20+ throughout the entire camp..
The rest was pumped by Nicholas..
So-so la..
They din kp me a lot..
One thing i like abt this batch of sports class is that they are damn enthu..
Although they kp us a lil'
But they still get things done and keep the spirit of the whole group up..
I motivated them quite a lot la..
The cheer and skit was so-so..
But theres one thing for sure..
Every1 put in effort
And therefore, I closed an eye when they screwed up..

2nd Batch
This batch is the quieter batch..
Surprisely, quite a lot of guai lan ppl come from this batch..
My 2nd batch of J1 was good..
But some ppl suck..
They juz stand down there and mouthed the words during the cheer and skit..
So anw, Ivan did a good job in reviving the mood during the campfire
This batch srsly is not enthu..
But i had more fun taking this batch..
Those who are good are good..
The rest suck..
At least I succeeded in uniting J1 tgt except a few who insisted on being introverted..
The day after campfire night, the oals are damned pissed with their poor enthusiasm..
So..... we pump them la..
Coz many of the oals are like me..
We dun pump them for small reasons and close one eye..
Then when other oals pump them, we recover them..
But they broke the last straw..
That morning's PT was the most sadistic scene I've seen for the entire camp..
They did abt 80+ as a batch..
Then split the rest of the push ups they owe us into chain pumping by group
At least I manage to keep my group spirits high by pumping with them..
And making them do the last push up shouting "J1!"

Honestly, I've learnt quite a lot from taking sec2 camp..
Learnt that leaders cannot do retarded stuff (i.e. Quarrel) in front of our men..
Also learnt how to motivate them to do better..
But there's one thing i hate: Ppl who see their teammates puttin in 110% of their effort and still insist on slacking..
This is one thing that make the sports class and the sports cca ppl stand out.. They would nvr do tht..

Reporting at: 10:23

Tuesday 5 January 2010
5 Jan 2010

First post this year..
Very sian..
Juz got one thing to say, this year sucks
Every year in my secondary school life is getting worse..
Sian la..
Screw all the problems la

So many things happened in juz 5 days.....
Shall talk abt my new class...
I used to think that 3-4 sucks..
But now, i think that it sucks more..
Not in a sense where it is like 2-3, where all have no class spirit and stuff like tht..
Not in a sense where some ppl got attitude problem or whatsoever
But 3-4 is juz a nerdy class >,<"
And there's no fun..
Nobody caused any trouble or say anything cocky or talked abt sex in class..
I cant live in boredom..
Lets hope its juz becoz we dunno each other yet..
Coz if things remains the way it is for the rest of the year, I am so gonna be nerdified..

3-4 teachers are good la..
That is, most of them..
All except one..
No other comments..
Sec 3 life is damn different from sec 2 life..
Looks like nobody's gonna see the lifely/retarded/siaosiao/horny me agn..

Reporting at: 18:49

Monday 21 December 2009
21 Dec 2009

Came to blog coz got nth else to do..
So, here i am blogging...

Past few weeks damn busy..
Camps + BBall + LAN + Oversea + Chalets + BBQ
Went for CMC Camp and OAL Camp
CMC Camp was really damn fun..
This camp made me change my perspective of the excos..
OAL Camp was tormenting..
Also made me change my perspective of being an OAL..

2 Oversea trip, 1 school, 1 vacation
Mt Ophir was fun!!
Really damn fun..
Learn quite a lot too..
And I would nvr think of some ppl like i ever used to agn..
The other one was with my entire extended family
No comments..
I dun wanna get screwed like the other time..
But I honestly think that the adults made it an _______ experience (fill in the blanks)

2 chalets..
2-3`09 chalet and Nucleii chalet
Both was fun..
The class one was especially fun..
Strip soccer at 3 am.. Lols..!

6D`07 BBQ was good la..
Talked a lot of cock with the boys..
I muz say some ppl changed a lot..
Lols.. Even myself..
Having another class outing at 22 and 28 i think..
Weng Tuck's gonna say i am despo agn..
But anw, that is so true...

Other than that, my holidays are spent at home doing my dad's stuff and playing dota (if my old man isnt at home)
This suck man..
Btw, am I the only one hu hvnt touched a single homework?!
Coz i dun wanna die alone when school reopens^^
To those hu hvnt read To Kill A Mockingbird, read it, coz it's a nice book..
Though i hvnt finished it
I better start chionging my homework and mugging for sec 3..

Oh btw, hu wanna go out tgt for christmas?!
I wanna go 313!!

Reporting at: 01:25

Friday 13 November 2009
13 Nov 2009

Sian.. Class chalet was quite screwed sia
WTF la?! Nite time cannot go out of the premises..
What kinda rule is that?!

However, still enjoyed myself
Started at 4+ for me coz i went l8..
Once i reach there, immediately striped and jump into the pool..
Like 20+ 2-3ians in the pool playing captain's ball..
After tht go back bathe..
Juz go back then tip kp by Mrs Lim, say we nvr help out with bbq juz go swim
Anw, i came to this chalet with the mindset to enjoy, juz like any1 else, not a chairman..

Then ltr, bbq eat..
Mrs Lim say cant go out..
Play poker lorh..
Taidi + Poker + Cheat
That's quite boring la
The real fun only starts at midnite =P
Went out for night walk..
Walk ard tok cock with Click Clique and a few other dudes..
Walao.. Some ppl really quite extra sia..
While meanwhile, some ppl are playing gameboy, psp..
No life sia >,<"

Then come back eat McDelivery + Instant Noodles..
Go out for one more nite walk..
Then go back tok cock
At abt 3+
Went out play soccer
Woots~!! Damn fun
Played like siao
I as usual play defender + midfielder
BohJun, Mel attack
WeiLiang, skin thick like siao, also go attack
WL taico lorh
Score a few goals.
I defender no chance score goal one.. >,<"

Ard midgame, sometimes swopped with WL
Scored 2 goals..
The second one damn nice
Hit the bit reflect at some weird angle then score..

Play till 5, 6+ come back tok cock agn
Then go swim
Morning liao, finally can go out of chalet premises
Went see sunrise
I was in a weird mood la..
Otherwise would have been damn high
When walking in the beach we saw one bloody big dead fish
We were like WTF?!

Anw, chalet ended with a bad ending
2-3 sucks la..
2-3 minus some ppl rocks..

The bloody big dead fish we saw

2-3 FTW


Sian.. Now i am sick..
Sore throat..
Have problem toking sia..
Keep zaosia.. =.="

Reporting at: 22:50

Tuesday 10 November 2009
10 Nov 2009

Damn sian sia...
Worked so hard for Robocode
Code until 4, 5 + for 3 days..
In the end, still so noob

Sick now sia...
Ytd, suddenly my muscle cramp like siao..
Whole body feel damn weak
Throat pain until swallow saliva also pain like siao
Keep gargling, spit phlegm...
Spit till got one big chunk of think yellow phlegm came out with a few traces of blood
Damn pain now..

Sleep for 8 hours..
Still no better..
Woke up at 8 +
Took a paracetamol, slept for 2 more hours..
Then now recover liao..
Not feverish anymore, but will come back i think
Throat still no better

Oh btw, I got into TRIPLE SCIENCE!!
Appeal successful!!
The first thing i did when i knew abt it was to call Cher Han..
Laugh at him for suaning me abt not being abt to appeal in =P
3 Cheers and 3 cheer and 3 cheers for 3Science!!

Reporting at: 16:30

Monday 2 November 2009
2 Nov 2009

Got back streaming results
Double Science (Phy+Chem)
Pure Hist + Elect Geog
Suan la, i srsly dun give a damn liao la
Appealing for 3Science
Pure Geog Elect Hist
The reason for the change in humanity i dun think any1 knows
And i think i shd juz keep it to myself
It's at times like this that I like being with juz Me, Myself and I
No1 else

Reporting at: 18:33

Sunday 1 November 2009
1 Nov 2009

End of School liao..
I feel a lil' lost sia..
Like without a purpose..?
Last time, if not play then mug..
Now leh? If not sleep then eat..
Screw my life la, damn sian sia..
Cant dota coz of my dad..
Download so much ____ (fill in the blanks)
Waste all the memory space
From 300 gb can use until only left one gb
WTF la?!
Not like it helps making his ____ bigger (agn, fill in the blanks)

I wan go play bkb..
Although last week play till sian liao
I wan watch movie..
Very long nvr watch liao
I wan get out of this bloody house..
Out of my father's sight
I wan masturb8..
Solve all my problems

Srsly, any1 wan go LAN?
Sorry that day cant go coz of some competition stuff
Then handphone no batt

I am beginning to miss a few ppl from 2-3..
But not those extra kia..
Srsly la, after becoming Chairman for the past 1 yr..
I muz say it is not easy..
2-3 sucks as a whole..
But most individuals are okay one lorh
If those guai lan ppl go sec 3 still so guai lan, they will really die sia
Our class tolerance level considered quite high liao horh
If you guys think you are mature, go sec 3 and die like a bastard

Juz one line for this year,
2-3 sucks (as a whole), 2-3 rocks (some as individual), but 2-3 still sucks (because of some extra mama)..

Reporting at: 13:16

Monday 26 October 2009
26 Oct 2009

Today i fucking pissed off with some ppl..
Some ppl like me juz cant show anger
Wish i was like CYY, angry ah? Throw shoe la, whack la
Too bad i am not tht kind
Prefer to keep all the frustrations and anger in me
But ppl, juz bcoz i dun say anything doesn't mean i can go with it.
Try me.....

Tml got challenge quest and councillor interview
I dunno why, last year also councillor interview and challenge quest same day
But this year is bcoz councillor interview postpone for me
Juz nice same date agn.. Lols!

Sian.. Tml challenge quest sia
Juz recovered from flu..
I think fever coming..
God bless me...

Reporting at: 21:08

Monday 19 October 2009
19 Oct 2009

EOEOY (End of End-of-Years) is not as interesting as I thought...
Bball almost everyday
Starting fun, but play until sian liao
Father dun allow me play DOTA
So can only play when he go out
My dad is damn guai lan sia
Kpkb for nth

Juz try to avoid him when i can la
Seriously, life is damn boring
At home got father, damn sian
No choice muz go out, go out nth to do
Muz play bball
Play until freaking sian la

Ytd nite i was pondering abt some stuff b4 i slept
Kept thinking abt the guy who kp us ytd
I shoot 3 point suay until air
Then bounce on floor almost hit that idiot's wife and children
He buay song ram the ball into the construction site
CYY wanted to go whack him
But we all stopped him
Actually if we all 8 ppl go whack can de lorh
Juz some ppl humji run away
Then we also not prepared
Seriously, when he ram the ball i am quite taken aback
Then stone there...
WTF is his problem la?!
Ppl say sorry liao then u wan what
3 meters away got pavement dun wan walk
Walk by bball court still come guailan us
It's this kind of people who spoils the reputation of our country.
Then after that all no mood play liao
Btw, I 1v1 Sheldon
Play for 1hour++, 2:1
He 2 I 1
We only stopped game bcoz he tired liao and we hogged the ball for freaking long
I gotta grow taller man!!
My speed, stamina and shooting better one lorh
But he can tank
Therefore, for a small guy like me, GG

P.s. Dwarven Sniper and Skeleton King rulez...

Reporting at: 19:54

Saturday 17 October 2009
17 Oct 2009

Woots~!!! Exam Over Liao!!
Yayness!! Worked freaking hard for the exams..
Preparations were not very intensive for the last few days, but did a lot from 1 month ago..
Hope hard work pays off~~

After Exams Days are back man!!
Played pangseh on Tuesday after exam end with "Click Clique"
Then go play bball like hiong sia
Damn fun~
Me, Sheldon, CK vs Boh Jun and Wei Liang
Din got owned..
Improved quite a lot sia..
That's the funnest game of bball in my life sia...
Thursday and Friday slack slack
Friday N Land prepare for Challenge Quest
Honestly, nth much to prepare..
For me, i shd train the 1km thing instead of pumping and sit ups
It will be more efficient if we all train those which we are weak at lorhx...
Instead of all do the same..

Then today morning, woke up at 8+
Chiong to AMK to..... da LAN!!!
Dota-ed for 3 hours..
LAN there is damn cold sia
I wan play at home one
But father dun allow
That (Dad) sucks!
During exam I play he nvr say anything, after exam play kpkb
Guai Lan sia

Reporting at: 14:34