Sunday, 29 March 2009
29 Mar 2009
Home Econ trial is a total screw up
40% of the ingredients were put into good use.
30% were mixed into some mash which some were eaten
10% were rice mixed with salmon roe and eaten by me
20% were throw in a plastic bag
Had fun..
But i dun think things will be good when we do the actual thing
Juz randomly read my posts
Found out that i'm too open
Would've been screwed if some ppl read my blog
So from now on, better not post abt my opinions..
In case of stalkers
Anyway, since i've got nth to do
Shall update on Friday's YOG Exchange Programme
Pon-ed lesson all the way until last lesson
Fun, educational and an "eye-opener" (St Nic was there btw)
The Philippines rock!
They are damn open
And Burning Up by the "JoBro" was really good
Much better than my singing in the bathtub
Generally the whole programme was worth the time
Feel lyk gong for some camp
Damn sian
Juz a random note
The highest rank i can get in NCC stops at a UDI no matter how enthu i am, so i shall be less enthu now..Bye~
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
25 Mar 2009
Damn sian..
Start of a new term seems kinda optimistic
Gonna juggle my CCAs, CMC, Friendships, Relationships and most importantly studies well this term..
Gonna spend lesser time going out for lunch, playing bball or hanging ard..
Not gonna have that one day in one week come home early thing..
For Chairmanship, i'm gonna relax..
Not gonna be so worked up..
But i shall continue using those propaganda technics like "Dun make me use the black book!" etc..
I'm gonna do my best and not care abt the rest..
Nth much to update..
一切完美's ending not as 完美 as the first series..
But the songs are still nice
Oh and i got 34 for chinese compo!!!
YES!! Improvement!!
Used to suck at compos
Okay that's super random
Nth to update ma..
Anw, bucking up this term
Not gonna emo, lose motivation, etc.
Shall end this post with Boxer's maxim:
Sunday, 15 March 2009
15 Mar 2009
Back from Nucleii Camp
Dunno why i this camp keep volunteering
Although i'm kinda emo after learning abt some stuff but i'm still hyperactive
At least on the outside
Let's start from... well, the start
FridayHad NLand and PTM
Go ard stations with Sergeants teaching us
Personally, i dun think its very useful
But what can this little lance corp say?
Beginning to hate it more
That ****ing introvert
Think he so zai
Even his entire cohort hates him
Zai-ness is not everything
So what if u got the power?!
So NLand ended
Changed and went BM with Jian Ming and Wei Chuan
Bought bubble tea
Then wanted to eat
But halfway thru saw Alan
So quickly zao back for PTM
PTM was a little screwed
During the ushering, AKA: Smiling to parents walking pass
I was thinking abt some stuff in my head..
I've fallen into this vicious cycle of trust
So badly that it's like an infinite loop
Really should stop considering abt this kinda small matter
And he totally sucks!!!
Ppl who look good from far are actually far from good
PTM ended too..
Next was the camp
When You Xin, Guang En, Shen Yang and i reached
They were playing some game
B4 that we found out our bunks
I was in Bunk 1
I was lyk WTF when i realise that Tze Xian was in my bunk
Nvm.. Watched a movie
Can't rmb the title
But it was very familiar
It rocks man
Did a little game
Halfway thru, Jaja came say pause game
Go sleep bcoz ppl tired
It was 12 plus nia lorh
Then some ppl say hungry wan go buy Mac
Delivery came, ate, emo-ed, slept
SaturdayHad morning PT
Ran 2.4 as an entire CCA
Couldn't feel that unity anymore
Dunno why..
Perhaps its the timing or the footsteps or smth else ba...
Breakfast was nice
Then after breakfast
Went with You Xin, Yong Xiang and Ge Yang to the NOI thingy
This is the best part of the entire camp!!!
Not bcoz i can leave camp
But bcoz the exco are not so exco-ish
Fooled ard
Had fun
Had lunch
Made combined penis out of MacBook's Grapher thing
Went back
After returning
Had the Human Knot game thingy
Quite fun
Next was waterbomb fight
Damn fun
Bunk B VS Bunk C --- Draw
Bunk A VS Exco --- Bunk A wins!!!
Then discuss for performance
Ate dinner
Discuss agn
Then the performance started
We did 童话..
It rocks man!!
Din screw up
Still got Tze Xian extraing
Bunk 2 did whatever smth by me..
Then Bunk 3 was the most zai
Did a cheer + suaned NLand
It was creative, seriously
Watched Ip Man next
It rocks
The movies played for this camp seriously rocks
And including the fact that we got the theatrete
Did a little running and sleep
SundayEverything was normal
PT was kinda hiong
Camp ended
Overally i think this camp is quite welly organised
The excos did a great job in planning
But the execution i dunno why got a litltle problem
The day ended with a Mission Impossible executed by Jian Ming, Me, Justinian and You Kuan
Juz hope we weren't caught on the camera
Thursday, 12 March 2009
12 Mar 2009
Tml is damn hell packed..
Got NCC, PTM and IT Camp
Going for NCC for abt 2 hours +
Then go PTM until 6, 7 +
Then go for IT Camp
Hope can at least do some organising in the camp..
I'm beginning to lose faith in myself
Everything's not going the way it should have
Life is beginning to be miserable..
Where u screw up practically everything
Not juz results, CCAs
But also friendship, relationship etc..
Guess this is juz life
Life is such, such is life
Hate that fact
Sorry to those who i accidentally offended
Was bloody hell pissed off with whatever that's happening
Screwed up everything that was given to me..
Then the u-know-what happens
Then i screw up agn
Stupid vicious cycle
Anyway, super sorry
Things shouldn't juz depend on my mood
CMC is stressful
But if the class can be more cooperative
Things will be so much easier
Look at Guang En
2-8 like super suportive
Teacher kp him, classmates kp back teacher
Look at me
Ppl keep kp say i wear ankle socks..
Know it's against school rules, blah blah blah
But it's juz ankle socks ma
I mean.. Who doesn't??!!
WTF la?!
Thought 2-3 was super class spirited
Guess i was juz too wrong to make that assumption
Gotta adapt to this life man!!
I feel like dying sometimes
Life is meaningless
My self-motivation reached a limit
i can trust no1 anymore
Me will support myself
Myself will motivate I
I will help me
I can only trust Me and Myself
Thursday, 5 March 2009
5 Mar 2009
Super busy these few days..
And the future will be busier..
Upcoming events:
- Cross Country: tml
- Movie Break with friend: tml
- NOI: Saturday
- PSL Broadwalk Training: Saturday (Cancelled)
- Nucleii Camp: 13 Mar to 15 Mar
- SLB Retreat: Somewhere around next week (Cancelled)
- Nland Proficiency: 14 Mar (Pending)
- NOI Prize Presentation: 14 Mar (Pending)
So many clashes
Especially on the 14th
4 events on the same day!!!
I can feel white hair coming out of my head
Raining damn hell heavily now
Most conducive environment for sleeping
Gtg, gotta mug my C++
And prepare for cross country
Monday, 2 March 2009
2 Mar 2009
Today sucks!!
My Science got 15 /40!!!
You din see it wrongly
Yours Truly juz failed another paper in his Secondary School Life!!!I was like WTF?!
The teacher really din give marks for the MCQ
So damn sadistic lorh
Learnt my lesson
Next time chiong the paperTHE SLOW AND STEADY DOESN'T WIN THE RACE
Bad image quality.. 2 Megapixel nia, what'cha expect?
Seriously sucks man!! 15/40 leh!!!

Then got back lit also
Still not bad
2nd in class together with a couple of other ppl
Screwed up first two questions
The last question I did quite well.
Ppl like Cher Han wrote 2 entire pages for 1 question
While i juz wrote half a page
I got 8 marks!!!
He got 4!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!Coz he write a lot of crap
While I stick to the Mrs Lim Format
One Statement, 2 Eloborations
Still got a mark for coherence
Hope my Lit can cover my Science
Now i'm super worried for the other papers
Still pondering what to do abt the IT Club Camp and the SLB Retreat
I dun mind pumping or suffering the PTs when the SLB ppl are dancing with some coconut chiobu in Bintang
But I seriously wanna relax
Guess i'm going for IT Club
And now I've gotta chiong my C++
Seriously, I can already see one of the pillars breaking
My studies
Hope to cope by next term
While the rest of the pillars remains steady and sturdy
Studies, CMC, NCC, Nucleii, Fitness
The five main pillars of my life now..