Tuesday, 27 January 2009
CNY `09
This CNY not very fun
Din do back NCPS coz school dismiss at 1+
By the time take bus go back 2+ le
But went with Zui Siang, Jia Yi, You Kuan, Wei Chuan, Jian Ming, Benedict and Cher Kian
Supposed to go LAN
But went playground play swing instead
Fun but retarded
Weekends were okay
Holidays suck
Damn sian
The only good thing was the AngBao
This is the first year I get to keep my AngBao Money
Din got much
Then today half day
Coz last year Sec 4 "O" Level quite zai
Reached class at 6.55 today
Every1 chionging homework
Typical scene
Opened my bag and got a big shock
My foolscap paper and books were all wetted by some orangy stuff
It's damn sickening
Guess what I found in my bag when I further investigate?

Yup! It's a rotten madarin orange
Left there in my back for 4 whole days!!!
And now it stinks!!
Tissue paper required to clean the mess

The day continued
Half day = 2 lessons + Assembly
Assembly was a skit about Peotry
Dun really understand what they are doing
After assembly
Every1 got a free ice-cream from the school
I know what'cha wanna say:
CatHigh rules!!!
So school ended
Went to watch 大喜事 in AMK Hub with Wei Liang, Bobo, Sheldon, Cher Han, Eugene, You Xin and Raynor
Starting of the show was funny
Damn sick, fits me!!
The ending was a little guai lan
Overal-ly was average
I know it's not a proper conclusion but..
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
19 Jan 2009
These few days are full of stress and stuff..
MondaySchool was as usual
Commonwealth i thought it was the best i could do
But got a 19/30
I suck at compo la
After school went Bishan Market with the usuals
When everybody was busy buying food and drinks for each other
Justinian finished his food
Dunno why i think he a little anti-social
Guess i'm not the only one saying that
Jian Ming and You Xin also say he damn _______ (whatever that word is called)
Took 1 hour plus to eat and chat
Learnt the maths completing square method from them using the "Completing Square Formula Song"
Completing Square Formula Song
Composed by Tee You Kuan and Loke Wei Chuan
Minus "b" *clap clap*
plus minus *clap clap*
square root *clap clap*
"b" square *clap clap*
minus 4 *clap clap*
"a" "c" *clap clap*
over *clap clap*
2 "a" *clap clap*
Thanks guys..
Really helped
Went back school
Then we went toilet
Jian Ming, Wei Chuan, You Kuan and me went to the toilet
They used the cubicle while i used that outside thing
Then they half pee half talk cock
Suddenly Mr David Chan came in
I told them dun say anything
They tot is fake
Only Jian Ming believed
Then Wei Chuan and You Kuan continued toking cock
When they came out
They freaked out
Seriously damn funny+stupid
Laughed like some idiot when we came out of the toilet
Then go school library
Played Upwords
Quite screwed
Then Nucleii start
Had a Screening Test
Screw up the simple question coz diagrams not clear and no time to ask
While those programming ones i think i got them
After Nucleii went to the new Sports Hall and check out
Then played "Grounded" in the Primary School Playground
Until 6+ then zao
Saturday, 17 January 2009
CMC Camp `09
Juz came back from CMC Camp..
Guess i should start from CCA Exhibition
=CCA Exhibiton=
Helped up at the Nucleii Booth since the N Land side got enough ppl
Many ppl say what i pon, betray N Land whatever shit
I dun give a damn la
Heard the Staffs and Sergeants got bad impression of me and stuff
Can't help it la..
"Life stinks; Dun smell it..." Jee Mian Ling
And i gotta zao at 4.30
Coz got CMC Camp
When I left the booth, they had 30+ people on the registration list
Not bad...
Juz some classes kenna psycho-ed by SuLaoShi
Kept saying they want join BonZai
Respect their decision
It's not so bad after all, now that i've seen the true side of SuLaoShi
=CMC Camp=
First part of the camp was to help out with the Parent Teacher Meeting (PTM)
First duty was Usher
Grouped with Matthew and Ryan
They're damn funny
Talked and fooled ard
I juz got to know Ryan and yet we seemed like so close
Maybe bcoz he reminds me of Sheldon
When the parent briefing started
They needed people to lead the parents to their respective classrooms
So I transfer there
Brought the parents to the classroom
Mine was 1-5
The class room at the extreme end
On the way to the classroom
I heard a conversation between two parents
Parent A: "I heard this principal not bad, was previusly from Xin Min one."
Parent B: "Ya lor.. My friend say this principal leaving the school leh."
Parent A: "Aiyo! I want him to stay until my son reach Sec 4 leh."
Kind of an irony..
Nvm abt that..
So PTM when smoothly and everything ended at abt 8+
So CMC Camp continued
Played blindfold games
Wargames was held with the Prefectorial Board
CMC lost due to the sheer quantity of the PB and the presence of inexperience Sec 1's
Nth much happened
Din bathe
Slept for the next 5 hours
Wake up
PT was 2 rounds ard the track
No more
Then breakfast
Then Food Race
Went J8
Looked for some specific food
We were the 2nd last group
Then Ms Tan Lee Choo needed help to sort out some data
End of Story..
The rest is private and confidential
Broke camp at 4.10
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
13 Jan 2009
Din go school today
Sore throat and flu
Gotten from screaming like some enthu kia in camp
Actually i'm not supposed to go school yesterday
But b'coz of "O" Levels Result Day and Nucleii
Decided to go
Stupid sore throat
The phlegm stuck in my throat for so long can't even spit out..
To the 2-3ians who see this post
Pls tag the homeworks in the tagboard
Oh btw, i juz figured out smth
I used to be wondering abt this logo

Juz got to know that it's the CMC logo
Kinda cool..
Now i've got nth to do
Damn sian
Maybe i should start on the ACC homework or the bicultural thingy
I would always feel that reluctance to start work whenever i think of the bicultural thingy
I guess they call this inertia in science and procrastination in english
Monday, 12 January 2009
"O" Levels Result Day 2009
OMG~!!! Juz watched the news..
Our school was featured..
Juz for haolian-ing purposes, our school top-ed the entire level again
But the top scholar's from St Nicholas
Guess what?! Senior Yap Chien was featured in the news!!
He topped the level with 10 A1's or whatever
Like wtf?!
He's incredible sia..
I mean.. Who would be so zai to do that?!?!?!
Anzaiety sia!!!
Didn't got to congratulate him myself..
Anyway, Senior Yap Chien rocks my ass out!! ^^
Brought Cat High and NCC Land glory
2 more years and it will be my turn to receive "O" Levels..
Better start working hard and mug like some shit
Sunday, 11 January 2009
Sec 2 Camp
Basic Details:
Name: Catholic High Secondary 2 Camp
Location: MOE Changi Adventure Camp Site
Duration: 3D2N
Dates: 9 Jan 2009, Friday - 11 Jan 2009, Sunday
The camp events were nice..
Tests ur wits and stuffs..
Events include: Kayaking, Rock-climbing, Abseiling, Zipline (aka: Flying Fox), Challenge Pole and those High Element stuff
Kayaking was fun and difficult
It was a double kayak, therefore teamwork plays a part
Things were difficult for me as Cher Kian was slacking!!
The part below my thumb is still hurting
Rock-climbing is about the same as any standard camps
Harness and stuff
Had 2 tries
Made it to the top twice
Chiong-ed the second one and got my right funny bone injured
Abseiling is kinda scary
The first part freaked me out
Thrilling sia..
Difficult to keep ur feet on the wall
Zipline is Ziplin-ish
Challenge pole looks okay from the outside
But when you see the bloody pole in front of you, knowing that you are 1.5 storeys above ground, you will freak out
The whole of 2-3 made it thru btw
It is easy if you take out the fear factor
The biggest problem in the whole camp is being with the other Edward ppl
Seriously, they suck
They show attitude, discouraged ppl from cheering when Cher Kian and I were screaming our lungs out to save the reputation of Edward..
Seriously, now i am having sore throat.
Damn it!!
The ICs were fine
Some are really good
Like those taking Edward B and a lot more...
While some are ______
Better not disclose opinions
Generally this whole camp is a success
Especially the campfire
Very entertaining
But too bad the Edwardo's din cheer
Hope i can be an IC next year
That would rock!!
OAL` 09
Friday, 2 January 2009
The First Day of School 2009
Reached school early..
As 1-3ish as before, juz tht now it's 2-3
Form Teacher: Mrs Lim Choon Chi
Co-form: Ms Raihana (!!!)
Kinda shocked
Then admin matters
Announcements and stuff
Nothing much changed
Except the new uniform and PE shirt
Which sucks (No offence) and is damn gay
And then, the long awaited moment
The Presidential Elections
Yup.. I'm running for class chairman
With Sheldon as my campaign manager
what can possibly go wrong?
Haha! Juz kidding...
Anyway, yours truly is now the Class Chairman
Kinda hard to believe
There will be full of responsibilities and stress
Trying hard to cope up with it
Juz wish i wont screw up for the rest of the year...