Saturday, 30 August 2008
SDMA Video Filming
Went back to school at 7.30 to film for Singapore Digital Media Award.
Started late
coz some of the cast were late. Screwed up for Scene 1-1 Take 1 and Scene 1-2 Take 1.
Was more alert after that. I admit being the sound crew was not an easy job. It was also not a hard task. Just have to be more alert.
Learnt quite a lot during the whole process since this is my first time filming.
The cast was really good. The VP of
Nucleii, Joshua, really sacrificed a lot for this project, like hurting his arm when attempting to fall etc.
After all the filming and debrief, we went to
Bishan Market to have our breakfast / lunch.
Just like that, $3 flew from my pocket. Should have eaten more at home.
Nowadays it's easy to see your wallet empty but difficult to see some money left in your wallet at the end of the week.
SIANZZ.. Daren treated some of us to Bubble Tea. All of us ordered Milo Oreo (cost: $1.50) while he spent it on a 50c Grass Jelly.
After that, Daren and I went to
Hougang Mall to borrow a book on the basics of C++. He taught me about the basics of the basics.
Just completed my first Programme. Basically, it was still okay. Just that I referred to the book too many times.
Muz rmb my syntax!!
Friday, 29 August 2008
Teachers' Day 2008
Today is Teachers' Day, the day when people give presents to their Teachers to thank them for their gratitude or whatsoever.
So, when to school as normal, just with a smaller bag and a lighter heart.
First period: History, Second: Science.
Then, recess. Our recess was extended from 30 minutes to one hour. So quite SHUANG.
Went to the Comp. Lab to meet the Nucleii ppl to celebrate.
We cut and ate the cake. The remaining was to be thrown at people's faces, rub around their face, etc.
Got Mr Wee a creamy facial, with a "Kissable" in his hair.
Then, the remaining recess time was spent slacking around canteen and classroom. Quite SIAN..
After recess, we went to Hall for celebration.
The First part was someone playing a Violin. That was so SWEET!!
Next was a Video Presentation of the Teachers. LOL!!
Then was Guess-the-Teacher game. They will show a teacher's item, then we have to guess which teacher it is.
After that was the Dog-&-Bone Game played by the Teachers. 1-4's all-time favourite LongLaoShi screwed the game. LMAO!!
The next part was the winning group vs the students, which the Teachers own-ed.
After a few speech and stuff, the celebration ended!!
=======Bus-ed in Bus 156 to NCPS with Papa=======
When I reached, saw the 6C people, followed them to NCPS. Jiong Rui really grew taller. HAHA!!
Then, went around NCPS see-see-look-look. Saw many major changes, like the canteen and the rules.
Went to the place where Alumni are: The Control Room area. MISS-ed the control room sia!!
Last year during Media Club Duty, I used to talk to the Control Room "Spirit", AKA: Talking to Myself.
Saw the Juniors and other faces. For the past 6 years, those are familiar faces, but now can't remember some.
Like I have a problem remembering who is Mr Tan Chun Meng and Mr Tan Swee Meng. Just know that both are Ah Meng's.
Went around. Talked to Mr Lim (The Teacher who made me like Chinese) and Mrs Angela Ong (The Teacher who made me think in Maths).
The sad thing is, I didn't get to meet Mr Ang, the Teacher who inspired me to do my Best. ARGH!!! WHY??!!
It has really been a long time since I last saw her. I mean I saw her but we didn't have a good talk ever since the last time we chatted in MSN. Hope she's doing well.
We went to canteen to eat. We wanted to wait for Mrs Ang but that bloody security guard ask us to leave.
It's all because of the new principal. If it was still Mr Chia, he would kindly invite us back to NCPS and have a good celebration.
But the new principal wasn't so welcoming. He set stupid rules and even have a notice board to state what old students can do and what we can't do.
And one of them says that we have to leave at 2.30pm!! What kind of rule is that??!! NCPS used to be a good school with the best Principal.
Mr Chia was really good. I remember crying when he left us. But now all we have is this &^*&*!*#^ ##!* #@&!@!! WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM??!!
After that, we went to Compass Point and crap. Favourite Spot: KFC!! Crap-ed there and bought Bubble Tea.
Went to our another-favourite-spot, Sculpture Park. 15 people fooled around like nobody's business.
{Boys: Paul, Yoong Jin, Jordan, Jun Jia, Xian Da, Alvin, Wei Liang, Weng Tuck, Lam Cheng, ME; Girls: Jolene jie, Celine jie, Mindy jie, Riho mei, Rachel mama, Rachel mei}
Played Virus, Crap-ed, Ice+Pearl-Shooting for 3 and a half hours. Shot Wei Liang with ice 5 times, and with pearl 20+ times. Damn fun.
Lam Cheng shot the pearl in the sky and catch it in his mouth again. It was incredible!!
We left at 6+. By then, 2 of my buttons (dun think sick) have dropped. One was on my epaulet and another was the first main button.
My shirt was tucked out and messy. That really made me look like a gangster, even Rachel mei also agreed.
Used my sling bag to hide the lost buttons. Kind of stupid lah.. Thanks to Wei Liang~!!
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Nucleii Leaders' Camp 2008
Just came back from camp 2 days ago. The camp was considered quite slack as compared to BURST and NCC Annual. Of course! It's a Nucleii Camp, it will not be so much of pumping and PT or whatsoever. This camp is about
LEADERSHIP!!! Really learnt a lot of values and stuff like that.
Day 1Started 30 minutes after NCC.
No time to grab a bite, so went to Bishan Market and get Bubble Tea. Then, blah blah blah..
Fall in on time. But many ppl late.
Next, we had to rmb every leader's name. One guy forgotten so we all pumped.
Then next was the Sizing Up Drill.
So the first few times was kinda screwed. Coz Nucleii is made up of mostly UG ppl. And some UGs have different version of that drill. So screwed up.
We had a fun activity next.
We had to cut of a piece of string of the length of one pillar to another, which my group screwed up.
Next, we had to take off our shirts and blindfold ourselves with it, then, form a square using the string.
I love that game, especially the part where I can show my packs!! Haha!! EGO working up again...
WE WERE THE FIRST TO COMPLETE!! And we didn't screw up!! All with the help of Jeremy and his happy 4 friends!!
We went around looking at how the other groups were doing. Seriously, they were quite close. Except that group which form an extremely
BIG Square Parallelogram. They were F A R from done. LMAO!!
After that, we ate Dinner. And Day 1 ended.
Day 2We started the day with a morning PT, which was halved due to the coming of the rain.
Had a wonderful breakfast: Breakfast Set from CatHigh Sec Canteen Stall 5!!!
Really nice, just that I can do without the Black Pepper Sausage. Trust me, it's bad.
Went to Bunk and SLACK-ed all the way.
Today is also the whatever Cultural Camp, so got VIPs and other students come our school.
We looked at girls, talked about teachers, insulted SuLaoShi (AKA: Soh Choo
Girl Boy), etc.
Next, we went to Comp. Lab and played a little meaningful game.
We were splitted into 2 groups. Each group had a leader which was separated from the rest. Mr Rays went about to tell everyone if they were supposed to be the mole (AKA: Bad Boy Spy). The spy's job is to screw up the group without them knowing.
So the game started. The memebers saw a picture and the leader was supposed to draw the picture which the members saw.
I was not the spy. So I helped, at the same time, observed who could possibly be the spy. Concluded that Jian Hong was the Spy. I was stunned when Mr Rays said that there's no spy.
Felt so guilty to have accused Jian Hong. >,<" Next year, he will be my Sergeant, which spells: R.I.P.
Ong Jun Sheng
1995 - 2009
Then, we did a quiz. It had 15 instructions, which the last one says do Questions 1-3 only.
I read the instructions before starting so didn't screw up. YAY!!
Went back to Bunk for TCS after that.
Was supposed to have Soccer PT, but rained. Talk lots of cock. Got to know the bad side of some people.
Had dinner: PIZZA!!! Which camp would be so SHUANG??!!
2 years later when I take over as Sergeant, I will improve the standards and at the same time, make them like NCC!!
Just like next year if I get to become an EXCO, I will make the Sec 1's work hard for competitions and love Nucleii.
After that, we had Water Bomb fight. Not as fun as the War Game in NCC.
The rules had too many limitations.
Bathe and slept. End of Day 2.
Day 3Today is a short day. Started witha little PT and soccer. Then had Mac&Cheese for Breakfast. Oily, I admit. Pack Bag and Area Inspection (which was Daren's all-time favourite). At 10 o'clock, Nucleii Leaders' Camp 2008 officially ended!!
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
CA2 Final Results
HAIZ.. Really screw up exams this time.
The only thing that I am proud of is History.
The rest are not worth mentioning.
Although most of the subjects got A1's but they are really pathetically low compared to the class.
Like Maths, highest in class got 96!!!
Average people got 80+, 90+. Then I only got a mere pathetic 79.
Mr Teo said I was losing concentration and that explains why I got this pathetic result.
Kind of true.. Haven't been really listening or studying.
This term surely won't be Top 3.
Miss being Top 3!!
Bloody Lucas surely kenna first in class.
Haizzz.. Will work harder next time!!
Here are the pathetic results:
English: A2 - 72% (Considered okay)
Maths: A1 - 79% (SUCKS)
Science: A1 - 84% (A few marks away from the Top)
History: Overall not known yet but out of those calculated, it's a 64/80. Daily work (20%) not included yet. Until now, topping the class for History.
Chinese: No idea yet. But should not be good enough to get me in Top 5.
Sunday, 17 August 2008
Quick Status Update: 18 August 2008, Monday
CurrentCraving: A cup of cold Milo
Dread: Going Home
Marital Status: Single and Available
Mood: 8(
Sleepiness Rate: 64%
Amount of extra sleep required: 24hours
Problems: Parents
Word of the day: EMO
FavouriteThing to do: PT (Back to the PT Season)
Colour: Black
Food: Mc Griddles (inappropriate spelling might be present)
Day: Tuesday & Thursday (SuLaoShi strikes back on these days)
Most-HatedThing to do: Bus-ing in a single-deck bus
Colour: Pink
Feeling: Being the only person left in the classroom
Teacher: Mrs Lim + SuLaoShi = Double Teacher's Combo Attack
Saturday, 16 August 2008
Another Day - 16 August 2008, Saturday
Went to school for Oral today. Left the house in my dad's car at 6.50 when the Oral is supposed to start at 8!! So slacked 1 hour before oral.
Orals are lame.. You have to wait for a bloody long time for your turn.. if you are unlucky.
The class was split into 2. Register 1-20 invigilated by Almon Yao. The rest by someone else. I was supposed to be the last, since my reg no. is 20. Could have been the first to be tested. But now I'm the last!!
Bobo is damn unlucky.. He became the last coz he talked to Jia Xuan, unless I could have been the last.
Had my turn at 9.32 am. The Oral was bloody hard, especially when you are invigilated by Almon Yao.
Now I know why so many ppl think he suck. He stretched his body and showed his belly button. I was almost laughing.
Good thing he wasn't my invigilator for PSLE, or else I would have failed Oral.
Anyway, I totally screwed Oral.
-----After Oral-----
Went to AMK Hub with Sheldon, Justinian, Yin Zhi, Wei Liang and Bobo.
Had McDonald's. Justinian ZAO after he reach Hub. Waste time sia.
Then Ying Zhi went arcade. We went to watch Money Not Enough 2. $10 gone just like that!!!!!! Money is really not enough after all.
The starting part was funny, especially the We are Singapore in hokkien version. At the 45th minute onwards, I cried like SIAO.
Mother was really pitiful. The saddest part was when she was sent to the Old Folks' Home. Wa!! That part I really cried like MAD-ness..
Sheldon cried a little, I guess he's fantasizing about Tiffany.
This is the first time Wei Liang cried while watching a show.
Bobo, the Emotionless Freak didn't even shed a tear.
While I cried like some broken tap.
That stupid Sheldon!! He laughed at ME crying during the movie!!!
Sheldon Zao after the movie, leaving me, Wei Liang and Bobo to wander round AMK Park. Back to our usual hangout, the playground. Went home at 3+..
Thursday, 14 August 2008
Another School Day - 14 August 2008, Thursday
Blogging because someone is complaining in my tagboard!!
SIANZZZ... Feel like starting the Pumping Season again.. In the mood of pumping..
Today is bloody lame.. And sleepy too...
All lessons except Literary Expression in 14 August 2008: BORING!!
LE was fun coz we acted some retarded song, which me and Jian Ming screwed up.
The rest of the lessons were teaching us about how to keep awake in a boring situation.
Out of the boredom, I drew the rank of the Master Sergeant.
Cool, isn't it? (Sorry but you have to turn your head to the right)

This thing would look cool on my arm in 2 years time, I wish...
Tml got NCC. Miss my platoon.. Miss PT.. Miss Part A's.. Miss being Timer..
Saturday got Chinese Oral. Hope I don't flunk. Benedict's having campfire on that day too.. For some combined school thingy reasons, Weng Tuck is coming over for my school's campfire. Hope he screw up!! Haha.. JKJK!! Jia You!! {To Weng Tuck: Btw, juz to warn you, dun ever challenge pumping with my school's scouts. They are the best pumpers among the UG and the school.}
Friday, 8 August 2008
Today's NDP, really screwed. Kicked the cone when marching in and almost put my hand down before the drill was given. Haizz.. 1-3 rocks~~!! I could never have done it without their support. {To Hao Ran: Despite your support, you still owe me one buck.. Haven't forgot yet. LMAO..} Put the NDP thing aside. Matthew really rocks. The support and his WuShu was like... COOL!! Got a free ice-cream cone from the school.. WOO!! Cat High Rocks!! MEOWS!!!
-------------------- NDP Celebration officially ends here!! --------------------
CHIONG-ed home to change. Suddenly, Mindy Jie called, telling me they were almost there. Reached Compass Point in 10 minutes. Efficient hor??
MISS COMPASS POINT SIA!! Bloody long never come le..
Met at usual spot, KFC. Slowly, one by one came. [Girls: Celine, Mindy, Rachel, Verine; Boys: Paul, Xian Da, Lam Cheng, Jun Hui, Jordan, Yoong Jin, Alvin, Chun Leng, Javon (the extra mama) ]
At the same time, one by one left. Boys played soccer, girls librari-ed. By the time it reaches 3+, many people left.
Went Sculpture Park with the Girls + Weng Tuck + Alvin + Xian Da + La Cheng+ Javon (BLOODY EXTRA!!!)
This is when the fun begins!! 3 hours of (ice-and-water)ing, cock-talking, Javon-insulting, running around the whatever wheel, muscle-displaying, retarded pumpings, etc.
Really fun sia. I went beyond godlike in the ice-and-water game and outran Xian Da. Tsk tsk tsk.. Throw Victoria's Cross-country's face.. Haha!! JKJK..
Weng Tuck's pumping still lose mine while I still suck at chin-up. Will win you one day. CHS NLand Pumping Machine will beat TK Scout's normal chin-up guy in chin-up one day!! HAHA!!
People rushed home for whatsoever reasons, resulting in only 6 people talking crap at the foot of Compass Point.
Behold the Professional Crappers!!!
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Another School Day - 5 August 2008, Tuesday
Today's one of the suck-iest day ever. Started with me waking up at 7!! Yup. 40 minutes to do whatever crap and reach school. Mission Impossible.
Left the house at 7.20. Got my dad to fetch me. Bloody hell!! He only agreed after I was almost on my knees.
C'mon, pups! It's not like I don't want to take taxi myself. Just that it takes 30 minutes for you to get a taxi on a weekday morning.
Reached school at 7.46. I thought the Prefects wouldn't catch me for being 6 minutes late. Guess what? They did. Then, blah blah blah... Sgt almost saw me.
Then got prefects take down whatever details. Totally retarded. When they asked why I was late, didn't know how to answer.
The past 2 times I said alarm clock spoilt. It was true. This time the same thing happened again. But it would be retarded to say the same thing. So I said overslept.
Guess what?? They made me write a 400 words compo, entitled "How to prevent oversleeping?" and asked me to put it on Miss Khoo's table.. WTH?!?!?!
Miss Khoo walked past and ask me to hand it in tml and passed me for Hair Check. Just cut yesterday. This haircut not as bad the other 2 times.
----- School Starts -----
LE: Lame.. Changed sitting position. Sat beside that Wen Zuo, the retarded Act-Emo Kia.
Sitting Arrangement (some of them I'm not sure)

(Click to enlarge)
Next 2 Lessons: Zzz...
Recess: Zzz...
Next 2 Lessons: 625(Zzz...)
Maths: Got back Mastery review Result: 25/30!! SHIT!!! I am beginning to suck at Maths. Everyone also get like 27 and above. Bloody.. I suck!! That metamorphosis thingy is taking place again; Back to Spiderman turning Symbiotic.
Music: Slack in class + Slack in Music Room
NDP Callback Training Cancelled.
Saturday, 2 August 2008
Another NCC Training - 2 August 2008
NCC Training - 2 August 2008
Full Strength: 27
Present Strength: 24
Toughness of Training (also known as Sergeant's mood): 82.5%
Dismissal Time: 6.50 pm
Reach Home Time: 8.00 pm
Interesting Stuff: Today, more reinforcements. Next week's NDP!! Damn worried about screwing up!!
And I haven't got my white gloves for NDP yet!! LCP Yuan Ye will take care of that.. THANKS, CSM-to-be!!
If you noticed something, the full strength changed. That's because 2 guys have quitted: Bei Er and Ben Lee.
Bei Er should have quitted long ago. He show attitude de. Whole day pon training, earlier quit better.
As for Ben Lee, haiz.. Going to HongKong for further studies. Will come back in 3 years.. Haiz.. Miss his sick jokes..
Then today, Part A got 3 people pon. Dan, Jian Hao and Zhong Sheng. Heard they purposely chose this day to do project.
This training is damn tough for the NDPs. The ratio of Breaks to Tough Training--> 1:9. Didn't have very long breaks or TCS.
There's another training next week on Wednesday. Just to prepare for NDP. Have to keep a 0% lag record.