Wednesday, 30 July 2008
2 More MRs to The End of MR3 2008..
SIANZZ.. 2 more days..
Today's Chinese was fine. Just that the 理解问答 quite hard. I confirm secured 20/50 marks.
Tomorrow's Science. A lot to be mugged after this. Hope Science isn't a problem.
The day after tml is Maths. BLOODY LAH!! Only got 19/30 for Maths Mock. Going down..
Nothing much to blog about, since it's MR Week and everyone went home early to mug.
Oh ya!! I've got my 4 packs!!! Cool, hor? 2 more to go. And to all the other guys out there, don't be jealous. (although you should) HAHAHAHA!!!
P.s. Spending lots of money this few days on recess after the $4 allowance increase. (From $15 to $19) Eat that damned Mac & Cheese + some add-ons. Cost me $2.30!!! Damn ex sia..
P.s.s. I want to work in MacDonald's!!! Or any other shop. I want to save to buy a laptop by the end of Sec 3. Damn crappy sia!! Only save like $5 a week. If I don't get a job by Sec 2, I can never get a laptop by Sec 3.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Quiz #4
Got this quiz from Sgt Chek Wei. 1)What's your age?13 going on 14.
2)Male or female?Male.
3)How many siblings?2 younger brothers: 10 and 4.
4)How many friends???? Who would count how many friends they have?
5)What are you doing now?Starring at the computer screen, facing the 4 bloody walls.
6)Last computer game you played?Stwack. Some lame gay game introduced by my brother.
7)Last beverage you drank?Bubble Tea!!
8)Any worries in school?Who doesn't have?? CCAs, MRs, Popularity, Bloody Teachers... The list goes on.
9)Any teachers you hate?Hate? No. Dislike, yes.
10)Any teachers you like?Yup. Why not?
11)Have any crushes?Ya. Guess who?? Hahax!!
12)Ever flirted with a boy/girl?Nope. Flirty, Me no likey.
13)Name 10 girl schools. If you're a girl then name boy schools.Erm..
1. RGS
2. St. Nich
3. Cedar Girls'
4. The 3 other CHIJs
7. MGS
8. Crescent Girls'
9. Singapore Chinese Girls'
10. [No idea]
14)Missing someone?Kind of. Everyone in 6D and many many others.
15)Last boy/girl you said "I love you" to?I dun think I have ever said that seriously before.
16)Last person you studied with?Dun really like the idea of group study.
17)Last person you got mad at?Nicholas Loh Zi Xuan, a Bloody bald-headed idiot.
18)Last person you hugged?My imaginary Pillow.
19)Last person you got high over?Myself? I usually dun go high.
20)Ever had ***?Sick!!
21)Three things you love?I love this question: Me, Myself and I!!
22)Three things you hate?Wet socks, Dandruff-ed hair and Bad hair days.
23)Ever kissed someone?Not yet.
24)Ever had perverse thoughts?No. What's that anyway?
25)Last boy/girl you spoke to?Girl: Brenda, talking now in msn.
Boy: Andrew, ka chiau him in the bus stop.
26)Think that you're a playboy/girl?Dunno.
27)Last boy/girl you found cute?Boy: Hao Ran
Girl: N.A.
28)Ever getting married?Depends on the future.
29)Any boy/girl you love?Ya, kind of.
30)What would you do if your bf/gf cheated on you?EMO, wear black eyeliners to school.
31)Ever got mad at a girl?Nope. But they can be irritating sometimes. No offence.
32)Nicest anime ever watched?To me, anime = waste of time.
33)Favourite anime character?N.A.
34)Ever think of cosplaying? Who then?Erm... What's that?
35)Name 30 friends.Do I really have to do that?
36)Studying hard?Mugging chinese after this, you think?
Term 3 Mastery Review Week 2008
I know what you wanna say, I am slacking instead of studying. Ya, kind of.. Just mugged Maths.
Today's History questions were a little unexpected. Had more confidence after knowing that I have 3 questions correct, securing 13 marks out of 30.
The rest of the day was quite slack. Tomorrow's Chinese. Gonna mug later on. Dun feel like mugging Chinese actually. But for the sake of Me, Myself and I, I shall work hard. If I disappoint Myself, I will make Myself kill Me. LMAO. Lamezz..
I am beginning to feel retard-ish. Pounding over stupid things nowadays. Like 2 days ago, I was looking at the ceiling, wondering why "E" was equals "mc²". Managed to find my own explanation. Hahax!! Lame..
Btw, I am sick. 4 Days (Sore throat + Running nose + Occasional fever + Stomachache) = Bad Exam Condition. But who says Bad Exam Condition = 50% Bad result. Gonna overcome my difficulties like some Fairy Tale character.
Sianzzz.. Bye~ Guys!! Gotta mug Chinese!! Wish me good luck!! HAHA!!!
Saturday, 26 July 2008
26 Jul 2008 + 27 Jul 2008 = 48 Hours to Mug before Mastery Review
MR came really fast. What the Hell?!?!? Better ACE this MR. I wanna be 1st in class!!! At least have to be in Top 15. Watched Channel U 10 o'clock show yesterday night. Cried once. The ending was a little expected. The story should not have ended so fast. Only 20 episodes? I think. Kenna scolded by
Fucking Father for blogging and not mugging!!
Hate that bastard!!Sianzzz..
Woke up damn late today: 2 pm, after sleeping at 1 am yesterday. Then, mugged History for 1 hour. Siao, hor? At least I clarify those centralised and decentralised government stuff. Tomorrow going to mug again. Tomorrow mugging EL summary. Nothing much to mug about. Sec 1 like that one.
How nice if NDP Contingent people can also do PT. I miss PT sia.. Sticking together with those retarded platoonmates in HIONG PT, it's cool!! MISS YOU, PART A's!! Hope ya miss me too..
And most important of all, JIA YOU FOR UR MR's OR CAs!!!
Friday, 25 July 2008
Another NCC Training - 25 July 2008
NCC Training - 25 July 2008
Full Strength: 28
Present Strength: ?
Toughness of Training (also known as Sergeant's mood): 77.5%
Dismissal Time: 6.50 pm
Reach Home Time: 8.00 pm
Interesting Stuff: Starting of training was retarded. Many people failed their Physics Test and went for the re-test, resulting in more than half of the platoon being late. I don't know if the Part A's
kenna pump for that. I joined the
GOH's Contingent before they come.
YAY!! I've achieved a clean record of not screwing up!! Finally!! Today, Darryl and Jun Yuan got the Honour to be the Timer. Being the Timer is full of stress but it rocks!! It's like the 2
nd commander.
So we reinforce on our drills and slacked after that. The Part A's had
sia.. That's the advantage of being the
GOH. During
TCS (which was almost 45 minutes), talked a lot of Cock. I don't know why but seeing Sgt Keefe and Sgt De
Sheng, it make me feel like being the future
ASM or
CSM. They make their post seemed like really cool.
After we were dismissed, went to buy Bubble tea with platoon mates. I ran out of cash!! Shouldn't have spent so much on Stall 5. Bought cup noodles with my
EZ-Link from 7-11. Everyone brought their bubble tea up the bus. I hid the cup noodle from the Bus Captain's view.
Haha!! Damn funny. In the bus, people saw got smoke from my noodles think it is fire. The next 40 minutes was dedicated to self-initiated
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Another School Day - 23 July 2008, Wednesday
Weather condition at 7.15am - Dark clouds a kilometer away

Weather condition at 7.20am - Dark clouds approaching

Weather condition at 7.30am - Starts to rain

Weather condition at 7.35am - Rain increase in intensity

Weather condition at 7.40am - Heavy rain; Visibility: 1km

Bad weather = Bad mood.. I hate rainy days. They make me feel so cold. I took these photos before school started. First lesson was English. Learned about descriptive writing and stuff. The lesson was halved due to the Racial Harmony Programme during Morning Assembly. I kinda like Racial Harmony Week. Lots of activities coming up.
2nd Lesson was History. Ms Tan (aka: Winnie) rocks!! She replaced 5 minute of the lesson with a break, since the lesson before was stretched. Then, we learned more about Inference Questions. I am quite worried for the History MR next week. Haven't been concentrating.
PE was next. Played Volleyball. Somewhat, most people in class thinks VB is kinda lame. Not as Action Mama as Soccer and Floor ball.
Recess: Macaroni + (1 x Nugget) + (1 x Egg) = $2.30 = Best recess ever!!!
English + Science = Normally normal.
Class Contact Time: Ms Khoo Talk = Listen + Slack.
Assembly: NICE!! The modern dance was the best. They can do extremely fast multiple to-&-fro body wave. Was really cool!! Teacher costume contest = (Funny + Lame) ÷ 2.
The 10 minutes after assembly: Ms Tan Li Choo spoke to the class about some matters. Found out that she's quite a nice teacher.
Infocomm Training: Edited Video. 75% done.
Casual NCC Training: Went to FC to find the Sgts and the Cadets who were there for make-up training. Slacked a lot. Found the other side of ASM. I knew that all the Sergeants are not as sadistic as they look. Challenged pumping with the CSM of NCC Air. He's damn strong. At least 2x strong the the Part A's Pumping Machine. But he is 2 years older, that makes it unfair. Gotta train up and bring glory to NLand. And for the first time, I saw what's behind the door of the _C_ S___e. (Fill in the blanks) 2 more years and that place belongs to Part A-2008.
P.s. Mastery review is coming!! 5 more days!!! To everyone (especially Me, Myself & I), FOCUS and do well for MR 3!!!
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Another School Day - 22 July 2008, Tuesday
These days, there's nothing much to blog. That explains why my posts are not as lengthy and consistent as before. Just to update a few things:
1. I am beginning to break away from my Bubble Tea addiction. Cut down from my usual thrice a week to once a week.
2. I'm now having Oreo for Recess instead of rice. Saving money and time.
3. I AM TIRED!!! SLEEPY!!! ZZZ... But I somewhat manage to keep myself awake during lessons, unless they are really boring.
4. I can finally do 12 one-hand pumping (inwards). Did it during the one-handed chain-pumping session with Benedict.
5. I SUCK AT CHIN-UPS. My chin-up dropped like crazy. Last time, I can do 4. Now, I only managed to do a little more than one.
6. I am not growing, somewhat. Vertically challenged, aka: not growing taller, or short for short. Last time, I was 155 cm, now: 154 cm. Grew shorter???
7. This is the 5th time I missed my stop coz I slept in the bus this month: 3 times went to the Pasir Ris stop, 1 time SengKang, another to Punggol.
8. I am having more and more pimples!! My Oxy5 doesn't work. Just learnt the cleanser+Oxy5 Combo. Hope it works!!
9. Mastery Review (MR) is coming in 6 more days!! And I have so much to catch up!! Haven't mug since the last MR. And my summary skills still a little screwed. Lots of mugging to be done.
10. IT'S 3 MORE DAYS TO MINDY JIE'S BIRTHDAY!! PROMISED TO SPAM HER HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! But phone running out of credit. That stupid lady keep telling me that my card has 3 dollars left.
End of Post. Wish everyone the Best for CA2!! JIAYOU!!
Friday, 18 July 2008
Another NCC Training - 18 July 2008
NCC Training - 18 July 2008
Full Strength: 29
Present Strength: 27
Toughness of Training (also known as Sergeant's mood): 80%
Dismissal Time: 6.40 pm
Reach Home Time: 7.50 pm
Interesting Stuff: YAYness!!! I was one of the 2 Part A's chosen for NDP, apart from PTE Chua Wei Ren. Another step towards the Future ASM.. I shall work hard and be ENTHU for the next 2 years.. This NDP is school-based and not like in front of the whole of Singapore thing. We (those NCC-Landers chosen for NDP) are the Guard of Honour (GOH). It's much like the Army who march past the President during the Real NDP. Just that it's the CHSNCC marching past the VIP, who I don't know who he is. It's really cool to be training with the Sergeants and the future Sergeants. Marching with them as a platoon. It feels like one of them.
At the same time, I missed my platoon. I missed being the "Part A's Solid Timer". As you know, NDP is a really serious thing. No rooms for screwing up. So we trained really hard and the GOHs all missed PT. The Part A's had some games and Taopok-ing for PT, while the GOHs do drills non-stop. Learned many new drills. They didn't teach us how to kebelakan-pusing when marching but lucky Papa taught me yesterday. Also learnt that the Part C's are "cute" people. They have people like Sgt ______. (In case if any Sergeants managed to find their way here)
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Another School Day - 16 July 2008, Wednesday
BORING!!! So many things happening in class. Causing so much harm to 1-3's reputation. The SuLaoShi incident was retarded. When it was SuLaoShi's lesson, people went to off the lights and locked the doors. Then, in the end, You Kuan and Cher Kian kenna punished. 2 of my platoon mates!! This friday training surely die de. Then, today, Nigel's class blog was exposed. Again, kenna punished. Nigel deserve it loh.. Talked so much crap.
Today, I overslept and missed my stop again!! 2nd time in this week. Went all the way to Pasir Ris!! SIA LA!! Nowadays really damn sleepy. CRAP SIA!! Mastery Review a few more weeks and I am still slacking!! WTH!!! What am I doing?!
Btw, Channel U 10 o'clock show is damn nice. The plot is really interesting. And that 6-pack guy is damn SHUAI!!
Somewhat, I feel that my life is getting screwed. Getting more and more "HAOLIAN". I suppose that's what they call Adolescence. Shall end of this post with one of Mrs Ang's all-timed phrase: "Life is such, such is life."
Monday, 14 July 2008
NCC 1-Star Kayaking Course
Went for one-star kayaking. It's not as hard as it sounds. You just go there and learn some basic kayaking skills and POOF!! You get another badge in your No.4 Uniform. The Part A's and Part B's are going. This week, the majority of the Part A's and a minority of the Part B's went. We basically have to spend 12 hours in the water. Like what the coaches said, 1-star is just a test whether how confident you are in the water.
Day 1CHIONG-ed to school. Was almost late. So the "platoon" (you can't really call it a platoon since it's a mixture of 2) got up the bus and the bus trip took about 45 minutes. Reached a place called "Sarimbun Scout's Camp".
When we reached, my platoon mates saw some girl scouts. They all like damn worked up, like they never see girl before. LMAO!! We did some introductory stuff and learnt how to paddle. It took us 2 hours before we could get into the water. WOOHOO!!! The place was beautiful. There are lots of crabs!! Small ones. About the size of your thumb. If you see a small hole in the sand, there's probably a crab inside. About a few kilometers away was Malaysia. The first thing I did when I saw water is to wet my socks. That feeling rocks. But I pity the fishes.
We cleared the first part of the course, swimming 50m with a life vest. It sounded hard, especially in the sea. But everybody passed that test, even the non-swimmers. Next was the capsized drill. We learned how to do the capsized drill. It goes like this:
1. Check depth.
2. Hold on to the kayak with the paddle.
3. Put your head down and take a deep breath.
4. Rock the kayak until you capsize.
5. (Underwater) Tap the kayak 3 times. The longer you can hold the better.
6. (Still Underwater) Kick you legs out of the kayak. Get yourself out of the water from the paddle's side.
7. (Out of water now) Holding your paddle, move to the bow of the kayak. Raise up your paddle and shout for help.
This might help the Part B's who will be going this coming Saturday. So after the capsizing, that's all for Day 1.
Day 2Same thing again. CHIONG-ed to school, almost late, Bus Trip, BLAH BLAH BLAH.. When we reached the camp. No more long briefing. We get to the water immediately. Today, I didn't wear my socks. I've decided that the fishes needed a break.
We got a kayak each and started kayaking around. It was like walking, just that you use paddle instead of legs, you are in the water and it's hard to control the direction. We paddled around. It as really fun. I lagged a lot at first. I was afraid of capsizing in a place that is 150m deep. So I paddled slower than usual. Then, Coach Eugene made me capsized. I did. After that, I wasn't afraid of capsizing anymore. From the 2nd last, I became the 3rd.
Finally the Basic TX Rescue Test, unlucky sia!! Same group with Zui Siang. He is the noobest guy in our platoon. Everyone hates the way he act cute. Keep on making stupid noises. Almost caused me to fail.
After the Test, we paddled back to shore. It took us like 10 minutes to paddle back. On the way, I saw some kinda black thing floated up. It swam for a few meters, then it plopped back into the water. I was freaked out!! Paddled like crazy!! When I reached shore, Ivan said he saw that thin too. Good thing I didn't capsize there.
And one more thing, You Kuan capsize 3 times. One of which, he lost his glasses. Serve him right!! Told him my rubber band method works.
P.s. I've got a sunburn!! YAY!!! Finally, I am not as fair as before. But it is damn pain!! When I flex my muscle, the skin at my elbow will feel CRAZILY PAINFUL!!
Thursday, 10 July 2008
Quick Status Update: 10 July 2008, Thursday
CurrentCraving: Bubble Tea
Dread: Boring lessons that makes me sleep
Marital Status: Single and Available
Mood: *_*
Sleepiness Rate: 72%
Amount of extra sleep required:
36 hours!!!Problems: Keeping awake in class
Word of the day: ZZZ
FavouriteThing to do: Rubik-ing (Just bought a Pasar Malam Rubik's Cube 2 days ago)
Bluish MagentaFood: Nasi Lemak
Day: Friday
Most-HatedThing to do: Bus-ing in a single-decker bus
GreenFeeling: Being Pangseh-ed (for the first time, I experienced loneliness)
Teacher: Mr ACC Teacher (I don't know what his name is but I know his middle name is boring)
Monday, 7 July 2008
Homecoming Day 2008!!!
This Homecoming was kinda fun. I was supposed to help out with the game stall but requested to help out with the food stall instead. We slacked a little and went to play soccer at FC. Coz it's like... one whole class taking care of 1-2 stalls?? Of course there will be time to slack. No offence to other stalls but.. our drinks stall was one of the best. We have about 2 customers/minute. Our mobile stall selling chocolates added to the profit. Despite all those hard work and stuff, we did not earn much. From both stalls, we earned $491. But our cost price is $390, leaving 101 bucks as our profit. And half will go to the school, leaving $50.50 for our class fund. Nothing went wrong, except our planning. We spent too much for the prizes (game stall) and the budget (drinks stall). Btw, we gave out 3 soccer balls for our game stall as prizes!!! (if you hit in all 5 shots) And for the drinks stall, we spent $100+ for the rental of the ice-shaving machine and the syrups. This shows that, no matter how hard you work, as long as there's something wrong with the planning, things will still be screwed.
Box of chocolates ready to be sold

Mr Julian Teo, ready to get wet.

After Homecoming, we played soccer again. Wet my pants (and undies), thanks to the wet ground. FYI, I didn't slide into a puddle of water, I slid onto mud. Good thing I have extra clothes. (But no extra undies)
Friday, 4 July 2008
The Day before Homecoming...
Today, we were dismissed earlier than usual to prepare for Homecoming (12pm). Today is also Be Yourself Day, we were allowed to wear anything we want. COOL huh? Many people went home immediately after that. SLACKERS!! SIANZZZ!!! Went outside D&T Room to wait. Quite a lot of people there. We waited for 20 minutes. Still no sign of Mrs Lim and the others. So we (Andrew, ME, Jia Hao and Sheldon) went FC-ing (Fitness Corner). Saw a soccer ball there. Out of boredom, played soccer. Didn't want to dirty my shirt, so stripped. At the same time, can suntan. Common sight in boys school.
Went back to D&T Room again. This time Mrs Lim was there. Helped up with the board. Then went Mrs Lim go, we went FC again. This time with Benedict and Melvin. Played like mad. I was solo-ing Ben and Mel. Jia Hao existence didn't help. And I don't believe I did that. 2 of the best soccer players in 1-3 can't defend an average guy like me. But solo-ing these ZAI-kia drains energy like SIAO!!! I soon let in 2-3 goals. Lagging. After that, we went to the canteen to get a drink.
Help out with the painting and drilling of board for the next 2 hours. Then, Andrew went home. No more sick jokes. Sheldon went for Debate. Only left Ben, Mel, JH and ME. JH slacked. Play Worms with Yu Fei. Mel helped Miss Khoo the dunno where he go. Mrs Lim, Ben and I went canteen to set up the banners for the stall. Joked around and discuss about how to place the banners and stuff. But with Mrs Lim around, how much can we joke? I helped to put up the Cupcakes banner while Ben helpeto put up the Ice Shaving's banner.
He was like so ENTHU. Used his whatever Scouts knot-tying skills to tie a Sheer-something knot and a Square-something knot. I learnt from him how to cut rafia string without scissors. For once, I thought Scout was kind of a good CCA. I mean, which CCA would let you run around in Palau Ubin killing pigs with a catapult and eating them. Right, Ben?
Last hour was quite slack. Walk around and fooled around. At about 7+, we left. Late hor? Ben and I went Bishan Market buy Cup Noodles. (No more bubble tea this time)
Why we chose Cup Noodles instead of Bubble Tea?
1. It is more value for money.
2. We needed something to eat instead of drink coz we skipped lunch.
3. It can be paid by EZ-Link.
Went home and end of story.
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
Another NCC Training - 27 June 2008
NCC Training - 27 June 2008
Full Strength: 29
Present Strength: 24
Toughness of Training (also known as Sergeant's mood): 85%
Dismissal Time: 6.40 pm
Reach Home Time: 7.50 pm
Interesting Stuff: This training is a little unbalanced. Dunno why I say that.. Let's start of with a inequality: Drills{TCS{PT, if you get what I mean. Drills was like normal. Next was Talk-Cock Session (TCS). Talk about stupid horny stuff. Next was PT. Today's PT is HIONG!!! Toughness of training rose from last week's 65% to 85%. Did a lot of push-ups and hold-it-there. Started off with holding it there until your all platoonmate finished monkey-barring. Qute sian.. I was there last guy left there. All my platoonmate cut queue run away first. Mine you, we were there in push up position for 20+ minutes. I don't see the point of that. As in, you don't train anything except the skin on your hands. Many slackers put their knees on the ground. Next was holding it there in crunches position until all your platoonmates finished climbing the wall. Like usual, slackers here and there. Next time if I am a Sergeant and my Part does that, they are DEAD!! At least they show some effort lah. Next was pumping competition!!!I LOVE THAT SIA!! I owned the company (except the Sergeants) with 130 push-ups. 50 below my MAX?!?!?!?! I thought I will be owned by all the Part B's at first. But YAY!!! I've made it famous again. Behold the Part A's Pumping Machine!!! LMAO!! JKJK..
P.s. NAPFA Test was GREAT!!!
NAPFA2.4 km: 12:30 min ---------------------> B
Standing Broad Jump: 2.08 m ----------> B
Inclined Pull Up: 30 (SLACKED) -------> A
Sit Up: 50 -----------------------------> A
Shutter Run: 10:2 sec -----------------> A
Sit and Reach: 44 ---------------------> B
Total Points: 27
Badge attained: GOLD!!! YAY²!²!²!²
P.s.s. Homecoming's around the corner. Since not much people are inviting their friends, so it will be awkward if I do. Sorry 6D-ians!! And I can't let you guys see my hair without Gatsby. (Since our school doesn't allow hairsprays)
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
NCC Day Parade 2008
Today's NCCDP. Nothing much to update about.
Today4.30am: Woke up
5.00am: Start to wear No. 4.
5.20am: Just finished foldng up my sleeves.
5.30am: Reached the bus stop, just missed a Bus 88
5.40am: Took the bus. Slept the whole journey.
6.20am: Reached school. Dump my bag in class and went down to Grandstand. Talked and slack with my platoonmates.
7.00am: Fall in. We were supposed to do that at 6.30. 30 minutes off schedule!!! Practised for the parade.
7.35am: Changed location and formation. 10 minutes to Morning Assembly. Fall in there and waited. Jia Hao was damn SHUAY!! He was beside Sgt Yu Sheng.
7.45am: Morning assembly!! "The Final Countdown" just finished. Everything went smoothly. I did not screw up. But Melvin kinda did. LMAO!! The next parade can't be in front of Melvin. He makes me feel like laughing.
8.00am: After morning assembly, we had a little debrief and then we were released.