Monday, 31 March 2008
Another School Day - 31 March 2008, Monday
Today is practically another day on Planet Earth when nothing exciting or significant happen. Life is boring. Our new Chinese Teacher added on to the Boredom. She makes us write whatever she says in a book. What does she think it is? A bible? I bet a bible would be a few million times more interesting than the crap she's making us write. Every time she comes into the classroom reminds me of a thousand BC. She would always say, "
学习是为了..." and would expect us to answer, "
自己". I really can't take her lessons, neither can anyone else. Whenever she gives us a homework, I rush to complete the Crap so that I don't have to face it anymore. You might think it's a bad learning attitude but dude, nobody ever does it. Actually, nobody can tolerate an woman in her 60s talking like she's born in Dinosaur Ages. Okok... Enough of her... I guess I am getting better at characterisation. Hahax!!!
About today
After school, we (the usual 3) went to AMK Hub to have Lunch. After lunch, we played a little of Duel Masters. I kept losing to Wei Liang. I seriously need improvements. We went to NTUC Xtra to find things that we will need for the Popcorn project. Oh ya!!! I forgot to mention that I have a project on Innovation and Enterprise which we have to be in groups of 4-6 and create a new kind of Popcorn that is not in the Market. We decided that we would make... Eh! eh! eh! I'm not gonna say til the project is over, unless people will steal ideas. After an hour of crapping there, home I went.
P.s. I know its boring but I really ran out of ideas. There are limitations in humans, you know.
P.s.s. Projects, projects and more projects... This Popcorn one is one of the countless projects I have. Until now, upcoming and projects in process are:
Characterisation chart
Character Report, dateline: 3 April, this Thursday
DNA/RNA research (Pairwork), dateline: 4 April
Bio-Journal Report, dateline: 9 April
Separating Process (Pairwork), dateline: Not sure, somewhere in May
Crazy, huh? And bear in mind, that's only for a week.
Red-Haven't started!!!Orange-DoingBlack-Done
Friday, 28 March 2008
Catholic High Sports Night 2008
Today, we have an anually-held event, The Sports Night!!! There are many events, in which I am not involved in. There will be an event which everybody is involved in. It's the cheering one. We will have to shout Cool Cheers for our Houses. At least my house have the COOLEST Cheers... Haha!!! Edward House rocks!!! (My house is named after our School's Founder, Reverend Father Edward Becharas) So after school, we were given 3 hours to eat lunch or go home or do whatever you want. Since I've got everything ready, I went to play Basketball with Bobo and Wei Liang. This time, Melvin, Papa and Nigel came along. So we played for almost 2 whole hours. Melvin might be small size but he's really great at accuracy. He hardly misses a shot. Papa is good at blocking and dribling. Nigel is good at breaking the rules. He gets a foul every minute for doubling. After the 2 hours, we went back to School for the Sports Night. The next few hours was spent waiting, rehearsing with our individual house the cheers, and more waiting. A few events started but after a while, it rained. So The Sports Night was postponed. I went to have dinner with Bobo, Wei Liang and Melvin after that. But before that, Wei Liang wasted 30 minutes in the Toilet getting the paint out of his face (it's just paint that is painted on our face for fun). So we had our dinner at KFC, J8. They bought their dinner while the penniless (it means no $$$ and not no ****, so stop thinking sick) me just watch them eat. Not exactly, since I took a little of the fries and the Chicken. Hahax... That's all for today...
P.s. I've received complains about long posts and the need to read my blog like a compo so I summarise it.
P.s.s. Have not recovered from Cough.
P.s.s.s. Bobo, I know who you like le... Blehx!!!
P.s.s.s.s. Tata
Thursday, 27 March 2008
Another School Day - 27 March 2008, Thursday
Today, after school, I wanted to practise
basketball with
Bobo and Wei
Liang since I was free. After school, they went to
AMK Hub with Papa (Eugene). I had to stay back a little while for House Meeting. Little did I thought that the "little while" happened to be half an hour.
Nvm about that. After the House Meeting, WEATHER CRISIS!!! A heavy rain left us the Edward House members STRANDED!!! Not exactly... But we have to be drenched even if we walk past the Shelter-that-doesn't-works. So that's what I did. And I was totally drenched!!! At the bus stop, a guy asked me if I have change for 2 bucks as he had to take a bus but he didn't have enough change. I did not have enough change for $2 either. But my coin pockets held there 65c. So I gave him that. I felt a ring on top of my head.
Hahax!!! So I took a bus to
AMK Hub to meet
Bobo, Wei
Liang and Eugene, despite knowing that we would not stand a chance to play Basketball as a result of the Bad Weather. When I reached the bus stop at the
MRT, the floor was flooded. A guy walked past and kicked water into shoes!!!
Sweat in the socks+Rain=Discomfort+Stench
I saw some "
magnificent sights" caused by the Drainage Systems and the Heavy Rain. I took them down in Video but I have trouble trying to turn them 90° clockwise, so I can't post it and let my readers watch it with their head tilted. That would be stupid!!!
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Another School Day - 25 March 2008, Tuesday
Today, our school have visitors from Indonesia. There will be 6 of them (they are Sec 1 Students too) in each class following us wherever we go to observe. They were like kinda slacking, especially during chinese, since they don't understand Manderin. No offence, guys. But it's a good thing they don't understand Manderin, coz Chinese Lessons are really... BORING!!! We have 2 quizes today. One on Science and the other on Geography. The Geography one was normal... But the Science is somewhat tough. Mrs Khoo just wrote 3 questions on the board and we had to work like idiots on a piece of foolscap!!! I didn't have enough time!!! When Mrs Khoo said "Pens down!!!", my heart stopped. 1 question undone means 1 life gone. I had no choice but to secretly continue doing even if our pens had to be down. In the end, I completed it but I could have wrote it in nicer handwriting and more details. But that's a life that I saved.
P.s. This Blog will celebrate its 100th post Annivesary in 20 more posts, with this posts as its 80th. Yay!!!
P.s.s. 1-3ians!!! Stop spamming in MSN or I'll get you tomorrow!!!
P.s.s.s. I still have not recover from my bad cough. Throat going to break sia...
P.s.s.s.s. Nothing else... Just writing this extra p.s. thing for fun. It's kinda fun when you get used to it. Haha!!!
Monday, 24 March 2008
Another School Day - 24 March 2008, Monday
Today was BAD, BAD, BAD!!! Hair Check which I thought was on Thursday turned into today!!! And I failed!!! What a bad way to start a day!!! The rest of the day was normal. After school, I joined Bobo and Wei Liang to have a game of basketball. I've never been good in ball games. Dirty people, get those dirty thoughts out of you dirty minds please. So... we went to find Dylan at his void deck. He lives at Ang Mo Kio Ave 10, Blk 456 +/-. I'm not very sure about the exact place. For the next 1 hour, we were having a good time. I really suck a lot at basketball.
Dribbling: 4/10
Hit the ball in the hole: 0.5/10 (Dirty people, mind your thoughts)
Striking: 1/10
Haha!!! *Hide face* Like they say in hokkien, "Lao qui" sia... I was like "NOOBing" in my old "NOOBy" way, amused by the Crazy Stunts. Embarrassing...
P.s. Btw, I was sick yesterday, and also today. Sianzzz... I went to the doctor yesterday and found out that my asthma struck back. Now I have to bring that Ventolin inhaler thingy wherever I go. So if you see a guy in the streets clenching his heart looking like he is ready to die, please go help him, he might be me.
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Things aren't getting better...
Yesterday = Flu
Today = Flu + Cough
After the 10 hours of sleep, my flu did not recover. Instead, I had an addition of bad cough. Buy 1 Get 1 Free sia!!! Cough is so much worse. There's phlegm in my throat but I can't get them out. I'm also wheezing. I guess my Asthma is coming back, just like 12 years ago when I was one. Long story... Now, I don't feel the least comfortable. The fact that I can't drink my favourite Milo added on the the discomfort. Haix... Hair Check is on Thursday and I have not get my hair done yet. The Barber that I went to 3 weeks ago kept my sideburns rusty. Man!!! I don't wanna get detention. I guess I'll get my hair done today.
Good Friday isn't exactly... good...
This entire weekend went haywire. I got 10 hours of sleep but I still feel tired! I slept after 2 for the past 2 days!!! To add on to the stupidity, I am having a really bad cold. Sorry for the trees that I've killed. I don't mean it. Fyi, one ton of paper is equivalent to 17 trees. So I would have killed a tree if I use 1/17 tonne of paper, which is also 58.8 kilograms. I guess I wouldn't have used so much. That means that I am freed from the guilt of killing trees!!! YAY!!!
Friday - 21 March 2008
Today was boring. Morning was spent sleeping. Afternoon spent going out with my granny. And night is wasted doing nothing. I shall elaborate about the night part. Ok... I went with my mother's side relative to a Temple in Geylang. I know what you are thinking out there, you DIRTY MINDS!!! Jkjk... So my relatives were trying to ask the Master some questions and we spent 2 hours there. That's time-wasting as our family did not even ask a single question and we were there doing nothing. As you know, the place is Geylang so... there are obscene things. I shall not elaborate but its damn sick!!!
Saturday - Nothing much... Went to visit my uncle... I can't elaborate or someone, maybe sometwo will say that I "expose family details".
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Another School Day - 20 March 2008, Thursday
Today is CRAZY!!! I have 7 homework!!! And almost all of them have to be painstakingly done!!! I guess it would take 14 hours altogether with an average of 2 hours each. But after school, instead of rushing home be the "
乖孩子" to complete the Homework, I went with Wei Liang and Bobo to AMK Hub since I was free. Big Mistake!!! I don't know how we did it but we wasted an hour!!! We were like wondering around the Mall thinking of what to eat. It's so stupid!!! Series of Events:
Started at first floor
Went to second floor - For nothing!!!
Back to first - Bobo said he wanted to have his meal at... BreadTalk!!! But he didn't!
At second floor - Wanted to eat Roti Prata.
Back to first floor - Wei Liang said he ate it yesterday. Sick of it!
Went to B1 - Walked 1 round for fun.
Down to B2 - Walked around those snacks shops thrice!!! They bought some stuff.
Up to first floor - I got some nuggets from Old Chang Kee. I know it's pathetic... Desperate times calls for desperate measures.
All that pointless wondering took an hour. (not to mention how many times my stomach was growling) We had our lunch under a void deck. Omg!!! The Unagi is really great!!! Did I mention that I really appreciate Japanese food? But that doesn't mean that I would eat a piece of raw fish dipped in a green hot sauce (they call the fish Sashimi and the hot sauce Wasabi I guess). FYI, Unagi is some kind of Japanese eel. After the Meal, Bobo and Wei Liang wondered around the estate. Wei Lang wanted to visit his friend who live there. I guess she was "Chen Ning" or something like that. I am not good at remembering names. But I headed home before they wasted more of my time.
Monday, 17 March 2008
Another School Day - 17 March 2008, Monday
Today is the first day of Term 2, which means another term closer to the "O" Levels. 14 more terms to the "O" Levels!!! That's what the Maths Teacher always say to create the Stress, Tension and Panic. This term is going to be the same as the one before, except the Chinese and Geography Teacher. Our class must be the most notorious one. Teachers are quiting because of us. With people like Wei Liang (No Offence), the teachers will go mad. Jkjk. Time really flies. Haix...
Today, I went back to NCPS to collect my PSLE Certificate. I know people are starting to think that I am a decade away but... yeah, you're right. I reached there at 4.40 I guess. Bad timing!!! I wanted to see how recess was like but recess ended ages ago. (Sorry for my poor sense of timing but, ages=40 minutes) NCPS really changed a lot. The canteen for example, turned into fun-looking place. It looked like a playground from far. I didn't get to see any of the Teachers at all!!! How I miss Mrs Ang, Mr Lim, Mrs Ong and Mrs Sim (also known as Ms Pang before January 2007)!!! They were the Mothers and Father of my knowledge and well-being from 2001 - 2007 but would last forever.
P.s. Anybody going back to NCPS for a visit or anything, please allow me to tag along. Thanks!!!
DespoME signing off... Tata
Sunday, 16 March 2008
[BEWARE] This Blog is monitered by "CCTVs"
Yesterday, I just found out that a few of my relatives know about my blog. So now, I can no longer post like I want to. That means I can't be as "ME" as before. I've got a feeling that I'll miss writing all those crap. But, now I can't. Thanks to some people who tried to publicise this blog. A Blog should be a Diary and a Diary should be a place of someone and his thoughts. But now that I can't write whatever I want to write, is this crap still a Blog??? You people spoil the definition of the word "Diary"!!! YOU'LL PAY FOR IT!!!
Friday, 14 March 2008
Another NCC Training - 14 March 2008 (Holiday Callback)
NCC Training - 14 Mar 2008
Full Strength: 29
Present Strength: 26
Toughness of Training (also known as Sergeant's mood): 77.5%
Fall In Time: 7.30 am
Dismissal Time: 1.05 pm
Reach Home Time: 2.15 pm
Interesting Stuff: Today PE was kinda tougher. Many people fall out (as in need a rest and got out of the platoon for the time being and not faint). I am the Timer for today. It's kinda hard to listen to the command and shout to react in time. As a Timer, you have to control the timing of Pumping, Drills, Adjustments and even the greeting of the Sergeants. You'll need to shout approximately 5 times every minute. We had Mud PT for today. We had to pump on mud and do sit up on... MUD too!!! It so damn sickening!!! Thanks to the bad weather the days before!!! Speaking of weather, it's a good thing that it didn't rain today. So during the 45 minutes break, some people were half-naked washing their shirts and drying them in the Sun. I was one of them. It's a common sight in a boys' school. The time before we were dismissed is all about talking crap and announcements. Today, Encik announced that the Sec 4 will be stepping down in 2 to 3 weeks time. Why??? The Sergeants rocks!!! Especially Encik!!! He's the best among the Sergeants and that's also why he is the Assistant Sergeant Major (ASM). He can be EMO sometimes but he's quite lenient and don't ask us to "Knock It Down!!!" a lot. During the Talk-Cock Session* (also known as TCS), someone asked Encik which school he came from. Surprisingly, he's also an old boy of NCPS. That makes him rocks two times more!!!
*TCS is an unofficial term used by our platoon to describe the 20 minutes relaxation time that is spent asking dumb questions, jokes or riddles every week.
Thursday, 13 March 2008
This few days of rain doesn't seem to stop. It's totally boring... I have been finding time to go for a jog in Punggol Park to make up for the
Cross Country that I missed. But the bad weather didn't seemed to help at all. All I can do is to stay at home and do some lame PT like pumping,
jumping jack and sit-up. The worst part about PT at home is there's nobody to join you. People like my brother would rather have a game of chess. So it's like kinda bored to do it alone. But nevermind, there will be NCC Holiday Training tomorrow. Just hope that it doesn't rain, because RAIN + SWEAT = SICKENING!!!
I don't feel like ending the post here. I really miss blogging!!! I didn't post the past few days as there's practically nothing to post about, except the bad weather. I really don't want to end the post here but I guess I don't have a choice. I've gotta wake up at 5.30 tomorrow to get myself ready for the Training. I still gotta catch some sleep. So I guess I better end it here.
Saturday, 8 March 2008
Presbyterian High School Jumbo Jumble Fair 2008
The day started with me waking up at 6.10. This is the first time I woke up so early on a Saturday. Although the Fair would only start at 8. I've gotta prepare stuff like making sure my teeth shine and my hair rocks. Jkjk... I didn't want to be late. Moreover, Wei Liang said that he wanted to meet at AMK MRT at 7.45, then we could go there together. So after 50 minutes of preparation, I took bus number 74 to AMK MRT. This is the first time I took bus 74. (not including that time when I took the wrong bus) I reached there at 7.30. The next 15 minutes was spent running about like a little kid while I waited for Wei Liang.
When Wei Liang came, we went to the Station. Gosh!!! We went up the wrong side. The next thing we saw is the MRT Train arriving at the opposite side. We sprinted down the stairs and then up the other to catch the train. Fortunately, we caught it. We reached Presbyterian High at 8. Oops!!! We saw the banner. It says: Jumbo Jumble Fair, 9th March. That means we came on the wrong day!!! Just kidding... Although we didn't came on the wrong day, we came on the wrong time. That's so humiliating!!! It should start at 9.30 am to 8 pm. But when I took number 86 once, I read it as 8 am to 9.30 am instead!!! Stupid ME!!! Anyway, Wei Liang and I wasted an hour and a half walking around the School Compound and chatting in the playground at the void deck. Sianzzzation©... (Btw, that's a copyrighted word that I learnt from
Yan Xiu's Blog. All Rights Reserved) After the lame adventure, the long-awaited moment has came; the glorious start of the PHS Jumbo Jumble Fair 2008!!!
When I saw Jolene Jie, it's like meeting a good old friend that has been separated for decades. There's nothing better than having a friend melt your cold heart. Haha... My bad... Exaggerated a little too much... We went to grab a bite. Man!!! The donuts are GOOD!!! We wondered around like "Wandering Brain-eaters" again before we went to the "
Haunted Treasure Chest"!!! Did I mentioned I hate hearing the word "Haunted". The last time I went to the Haunted House, I was screaming like a baby. Anyone would laugh seeing me scream. Did I mentioned that my scream can reach the loudness of 78.2 dB? When it's our turn, I didn't scream!!! I just told myself they weren't mystical beings or whatever but just humans. That helps a little.
For the next couple of hours, I was eating Chips and drinking Milo continuously. That reminds me of a pig. So I went to the exercising corner every 10 minutes to do some chin-ups. I didn't want blubbernuggets (improper term: extra fatty flab) appearing.
I chatted with a guy named Nicholas and found out that he is my classmate's (Andrew) friend. What a coincidence!!!
I spent the last hour there playing the arcade. I only have enough tickets to play 2 rounds of the motorcycle game thing. I learnt a trick but by the time I did, I have no tokens left. So home I went.
A sample of the flyer

The hand band I won (that happened to be the only souvenir) and and another flyer attracting customers to support 1 faith. 1 faith rocks!!!

Friday, 7 March 2008
Another NCC Training - 7 March 2008
NCC Training - 7 Mar 2008
Full Strength: 29
Present Strength: 28
Toughness of Training (also known as Sergeant's mood): 75%
Dismissal Time: 7.20 pm
Reach Home Time: 8.10 pm
Interesting Stuff: Today is the first time we are wearing our No. 4 Uniform. I took 30 minutes to prepare (wearing shirt, slacks, gutters, socks and boots, tucking my slacks into the gutter, folding my sleeves, stuffing the Beret into my side pocket, etc.). We learnt 2 new drills today, namely "Kekeri puseng" and "Kekenam puseng" (not sure of how to spell). The purpose is to turn to the left or the right in a cool way. After being in NCC for 5 weeks, this is the first time I saw my CSM (also known as Company Sergeant Major). He's kinda cool and is kinda cold (as in he is not as friendly and warm like Encik). He is like that kind of person who makes his Juniors PERFECT no matter what. I don't believe in physical tortures helping the performance of Recruits. We did a lot of stuff (e.g. Warm-ups, Squats, Pumping, Sit-ups and Jogging) for PT. It's so tiring. Btw, all my energy needed for that 5 hours depended on that packet of Cheezels!!! I had no choice. Cheezels makes things fast and is cheap. Did I mentioned that I was the Timer (the person who shout to control the timing for the drills of the platoon) for today? Anyway, the training ended and I took the bus home... Think the story would end here? Unfortunately, NO!!! When the bus came to somewhere at AMK Central, the Bus Driver came up to the upper deck and started shouting. My friend who was right before me thought that the Bus Driver caught him eating in the bus. But he was wrong!!! He started scolding the old man who had been standing on the upper deck. He was shouting and screaming hysterically. Even after the man sat down, he did not stop his hurling of abuses. I remember vividly that the bus driver insulted the man by saying that he eats from his ass. Man!!! That's insulting!!! When the old man alighted, an Indian lady reassured him that she would help him complain to SBS about this incident. A fellow NCC Cadet who was in the bus said that he would write a letter to SBS complaining about the lousy service and the creation of the dispute.
Thursday, 6 March 2008
Another School Day - 6 March 2008, Thursday
Today is one of the coldest mornings I've ever experienced. It was like freezing. Even after I did my usual morning pumpings, it didn't help a bit. For me, the bad weather is an omen of doom. Not exactly but it just tells that something bad is gonna happen. Like that time when I lost 2 bucks, it was raining. Anyway, we were having Chinese Lesson, and the teacher suddenly said that tomorrow is the
最后一堂课. I guess the teacher makes it sound sadder than I did. But either way, it's true. FYI, she's a Malaysian and she decided that being in Singapore teaching us is totally not her game. But I think she did a great job teaching us and she's really a good teacher. After her lesson was PE, everybody was changing into their PE shirts (in class, btw). Some of them were like partying. I can't accept the fact that she's gonna be away. I tried to hold back my tears. Did I mention I was an EMOFREAK? And the worse part is... the class didn't feel the least sad at all!!! Am I just too EMO or are they COLD and HEARTLESS creatures? The day continued with me being
cold and not to mention,
sleepy... After school, Jia Hao and I got a bite at the Students' Lounge and then we went to the Track for a run. Ok... Not exactly a run... We jogged a hundred metre and jogged back, and then we pump. This cycle continues 4 more times and it took us 20 minutes. Lol... I think it's kinda fun, but we made ourselve looked like idiots.
P.s. The Jumbo Fair is 2 days away from now!!! YAY!!!
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Antonyms stinks!!!
Today, I had to stay back for IMedia Info comm Training. But I kinda "pom" Training as I had to copy antonyms. Reason? I forgotten to bring a supplement of The Strait Times, otherwise known as "In". Now I know why Sheldon is so supportive of the Anti-Antonyms Protests. It's really a tough job. First of all, it aches your hand copying 300 sets of Antonyms. (That's for first offender, second offenders are known to copy 500 and the thirds have to copy 700. Any number of offences more than 3 is to copy Synonyms and so on. This is just dumb!!!) Secondly, it hurts to see time being wasted in copying baby languages and not some other things like CCA or 3rd language. And thirdly, it is like a psychological torture when you see how many more sets of antonyms you have to copy. I managed to complete it in 2 hours.
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
World Maths Day
I just competed with some people from all around the globe in the
World Maths Day thing. My school happened to participate in it. You have to complete some Maths sums with 3 other person in the World. The person who is the most accurate and the highest score gets 10 credits. This is one of the Biggest Events of All Times, with 20,000 schools from a hundred and fifty countries participating. That's totally COOL!!! The questions are easy. But the tough part is typing in a critical situation and the pressure from the ticking clock.
CA1 Grades
YES!!! This term is coming to an end, which spells holiday. Our final grades are out. I thought Mastery Review is tough, but it's a part and parcel of Sec School Life. Anyway, good new!!! I got straight A1's for this term!!! YES!!! Here it is:
English: 81.5%
Chinese: 80%
Mathematics: 89%
Science: 79% (2nd in class, lost to a guy named Justinian... )
Geography: 78% (It happens that I am not very good in Geography but somewhat, I've got myself 3rd in class)
Now my only worry is that I don't get into top 5. If I don't, I am so
DEAD!!! I mean it!!! That would mean that I have dropped if I don't get into top 5. There are like so many major competitors and getting into top 5 is certainly tough.
P.s. I can't wait to change my seating arrangement. The guy who is sitting beside me is so lame. He always ask people to "Shut up!!!" and have that "Don't care" attitude. He doesn't bring his books, correction tape and stuff and always make me lend him. Once, I happened to be in the same group as him in a project. And you know what? He ended up doing nothing but talking crap, leaving Sheldon and I to do the job!!! During the presentation, he read from the scripts word for word!!! OMG!!! I asked him to read the script so many times and he didn't!!! That project brought my Geography marks down!!!
Monday, 3 March 2008
Email Publish Service Testing
Testing... I didn't know that this could work. Oh ya!!! Btw, what I did was to send an email to my special email address and the email will turn into a blog post. (The email title will be the blog post title while the content of the email will be the post text. You can also add pictures)
Tip: The special email address thingy can be configured in the Email tab of the Settings tab.
Blog it to your Space with Live Writer!
Windows Live Writer
Stupidity Gets the Better of YOU!!!
I don't know what's wrong but everything I do, you have something to say. What is YOUR problem??? You
IDIOTIC spy!!! Whole day trying to find faults in me... What's YOUR problem??? Very FUN ar???
YOU DRIVE ME NUTS!!! YOU make me feel like
FAT BOY who is LOUSIER (and smells worse) than A LOWNDOWN RAT!!!
P.s.s. TO YOU:
YOU'RE NOT WELCOMED TO MY BLOG!!!P.s.s.s. Sorry for the inappropriate languages and Singlish(s) but I simply can't help it. Inconvenient cause is regretted.