Tuesday, 29 January 2008
Mastery Review approaching, prepare to dodge!!!
What a long time I have not updated my bloggie!!! A solemn apology to my bloggie and also my fans!!! Jkjk...
Fyi, Mastery Review is CA. For our school, this week is known as the Mastery Review Week, the week when the brightness of the sun doesn't touches our heart, the week when happiness is a word not found in the dictionary, a week when... Okay... My bad. To make things sound more optimistic, this is the week when we have our exams. The Geography Exam was yesterday, followed by the Higher Chinese Exam today. There will be Science Exam, Maths Exam and English Exam on tomorrow, Thursday and Friday respectively. The results for the Geography Exam are out today:
Maximum: 25
Class 1-3:
Average: 18.32 (73.28%) A2
Highest: 23 (92%) A1
Lowest: 15 (60%) B4
ME: 21 (85%) A1
Hooray for me!!! Yeah!!! Btw, did I mentioned how much I miss 6D and Mrs Ang???
Monday, 21 January 2008
Maths Olypaid
Today, we have Maths Olypaid. Btw, our class is the class with all A* for Maths and Science. It's so cool!!! The Olypaid thingy is Maths that will burst your brains. They must be crazy to ask us to calculate this:
2004/2 + 2004/3 + 2004/4 + 2004/5 ...... + 2004/2004 = ???
The teacher is an old lady who is smarter than she look. She might look like any typical granny but her brain is twice the size. She do the hardest sums in the world, calculate continuous number patterns, add up algebraic calculations, etc.
Next time if your teacher ask you what is the square root of nine, don't just say 3. Negative 3 also works. Btw, pi isn't 22/7.
Saturday, 19 January 2008
Our BURST Camp started after school yesterday. You can say it's a nightmare. BURST stands for Basic Uniformed-group Robust School-based Training. We have it as a part of the Orientation. It's like physical and psychological torture. But this time, it's not just a 3-hour programme. It's a 2-day camp!!!
Day 1 - 18 Jan 2008, Friday
It started with practising our class cheer. Next, we learnt some new drills and also talked some crap wit the seniors. They came to the topic about push-up, which they ended up asking about the the person who can do the most push-ups. For some reason, I ended up doing push-ups with the class cheering. YES!!!!!! I topped the class with 48 push-ups, more than the Sec 4(s). Me rocks!!! JKJK... But without that guy making me laugh, I could have done 50. With that, an hour or two was gone. We learnt some knot-tying skills after the drills. And then, we practised the drills again. Everybody was getting hungry an hour later, so we had dinner. It's nice enough for me to eat 3/4 of it. We had the next hour in the hall listening to a Discipline guy talking about an upcoming event. Everybody longed for a bath so we just treated what he said as crap. We went for supper at 10.30 pm. And finally, we can bath at 11.30 pm. But we had to be in bed, or rather, sleeping bag by 12. So only a few bath. I wanted to but seeing the chaos in the Toilet, I didn't. So like the 30+/- people in class, I went to sleep after changing. I don't believe what had happened. I had never not bath for more than 24 hours before. And I can sleep without bathing. I must be insane, okay, more like tired. So... At 12.30 am, almost everyone fell asleep after sharing some jokes. Zzz...
Day 2 - 19 Jan 2008, SaturdayI was rudely awakened from the noise and the complains from my fellow classmates. A look in my watch shows 4.45 am. We were supposed to wake up at 6. We still have more than an hour to sleep and 75% of the class is awaked. I decided to have the next 10 minutes sleeping... 10 minutes later, I was rudely awakened again. I was about to teach that idiot a lesson when I looked up and saw... A TEACHER!!! I don't know who but after she command the class to go back to sleep, her ear-piercing scolding tells me it's Miss Khoo. After she left, I went out with a few friends to the toilet. For today, the toilet is a place to escape sleeping. We came back in a couple of minutes. After which we share jokes again. The next time I slept again, I was left with only 20 minutes!!! But nevermind, a short nap will do. At 6, the lights were finally on. We packed up our stuffs. For me, I did some push-ups after packing. That's the only way to keep my flu away. Next, we fall in at the Plaza at 6.30. After the lame exercising at the plaza, we have breakfast. The next hour was spent eating breakfast. We packed up again then we assembled in the hall. After the 30 minutes briefing, we set off for the newspaper collection. We walked for 20 minutes before reaching our destination. To make a long story short, we collected the newspapers and got a good respond. It's fun!!! The result shows that we collected a ton. A little lesser than last year as some schools came to collect a week before we did.
Thursday, 17 January 2008
Madman Experience
Today, after School, my class went to give out the pamphlets regarding the collection of newspaper on Saturday. Btw, all Secondary 1 and 4 pupils will be collecting newspaper for recycling. The money collected will be donated to an organisation called "Home Nursing Foundation". So we walked to a few blocks of flats and began to stuff the pamphlets into letter boxes and doorsteps. We were dismissed immediately from there. When I reached the bus stop, there are 4 other classmates there. We soon realised that we're taking the same bus. Anyway, the bus came. We board the bus. The End. At least that's what we thought, but it's not over, it's just getting started. In the bus (service number: 88), there's a man sitting on the bottom deck who appears to be normal, not until he started singing loudly. First he sang a hokkien song. Loudly. It's a double-decker bus and he could be heard from the lower deck. We thought it's just some kind of rudey (people who are rude; not a proper term) singing like an idiot. Not after he started singing a New Year Song. At those parts he didn't know the lyrics, he practically "Lalala" through. Next, he sang a song in English. That song is definitely meant for babies. My mama sang it to me when I was 2. How cute!!! But he's an old man. That guy is definitely mad. Everyone wish that his stop is before theirs because nobody would dare to walk through him. Guess where he stop? He stopped at IMH (Institute of Mental Health). It may sound ridiculous but I swear it's 100% true.
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
Another School Day - 16 Jan 2008
Today, we've got D & T Lessons, AKA: Design and Technology. We learn how to cut an acrid sheet. It's just a piece of plastic that is suitable to be cut to make decorations, key chains, etc. That's all for D & T.
After recess, we have Science Lessons. We went to the Science Lab. OMG!!! It's so COOL!!! On the table where we sit at, there are all kinds of stuff: test-tubes, beakers labelled "X" and "Y", a sink, a bunsen burner, a dropper and a test-tube cleaner. We first pour a compound called "Copper II Sulphate" into a test-tube to test our pouring skills. We tried out an experiment next. We poured the beaker "X" into the test-tube labelled "X". Then, we poured the beaker "Y" into the test-tube labelled "Y". Next, we used the dropper and took 10 drops of "X" and "Y" each, and drop them into beaker "Z". We saw some kind of carbonated liquid. We disposed all the compounds into the sink at the end of the experiment. Someone tried mixing all of the compounds together. There was a loud BOOM and the beautiful Science Lab was soon in flames. Heated by the fire, the other Chemicals exploded and everyone died. End of story. Of course I was just kidding. The compounds mixed didn't, you know, mixed. It just looked like a solid instead of a liquid. Next, we used the bunsen burner. One word to describe: COOL!!! Anyway, the lesson soon ended.
Lesson of the Day: The Bunsen Burner
Air-holes closed = inner part of flame: Blue, outer part of flame: Orange = Luminous flame = Weak flame (not steady)
Air-holes opened = inner part of flame: Red, outer part of flame: Blue = Non-luminous flame = Strong flame (steady)
Warning: From my experience, the non-luminous flame looks invisible. It can only be seen when the lights are off.
After school, everybody need to stay back for the BURST (Basic Uniformed-group Robust School-based Training) Programme, which made me reached home at 7pm. Btw, we came up with a class cheer:
North, South, East, West
1-3, 1-3 is the best
We'll show them how we kick their ass
We'll show that we can beat the rest
P.S. I didn't came up with that idea. So if you think it stinks, it's not my bad.
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
School's not as bad as what I thought after all...
It has been a long time since I last posted. Anyway, I thought school was strict. But now, I think it's kinda reasonable. Btw, did I mentioned that I have the Discipline Master for my Maths Teacher and one of the teachers from the Discipline Commitee for my Science Teacher? So far, so good. My English Teacher (Form Teacher) is nice. Maths and Science Teacher are kinda of strict. Chinese Teacher appeared to be totally strict (all work no play attitude), but we soon realise that she was just trying to keep us away from climbing up her head. The school is cool. They've got a library with more than enough facilities, a student lounge with vending machines and a canteen with food that are meant for human (unlike some of my unlucky friends). Did I mention how much I miss 6D? 6D, yoU RoX!!!
Sunday, 13 January 2008
ME in Market
Today, I went to the Market with Mama, my brothers and my maid. Normally if I am to follow, which is unlikely because I should still be sleeping like a pig, I would be outside the Market waiting for them. But this time I decided to go in. BIG MISTAKE!!! There's only one place you can find infested with flies-infested fish and that is the Market. Check that out, a peaceful day should be spent in the park seeing butterflies playing "Catching", instead I saw flies playing "Catching". So I spent the next hour with the flies. Did I mention that the floor is wet and dirty? Anyway, I got out of there just in time before I die of the sickening sight and smell.
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
The Adventures of a Lonely Guy in Catholic High - The Real First Day of School
Today, everybody was given their class. I'm in 1-3, a class taking
Higher Mother Tongue (HMT). I am glad that I was offered HMT although I am not that good-in-Chinese sort. The school's class system uses numbers instead of alphabets. Anyway, my form teacher is Mrs Lim. She look like that kind and caring sort who doesn't scold unless necessary. I wish looks aren't deceiving. She'll be teaching us Literature and English. Our co-form teacher, Ms Khoo isn't here today. She'll be teaching us Science.
P.S. If anyone think
Secondary School Maths is easy, try these:
AlgebraQ1. p(2x - 7) - 3p(-x + 5) = ?
Q2. 8p - 3{4q - 2[q - 5(p - q)]} = ?
Answers: Q1. -22p + 24q, Q2. 5px - 22p
P.S.S If you can't work it out, you're not the only one.
The Adventures of a Lonely Guy in Catholic High - Orientation Ends
Today, orientation ends. We got a photograph of our orientation group as a souvenir each. It looks like this:
I can't make it clear or else everyone will see the ugly ME somewhere in the picture.

It was done my our seniors, or what our school call facilitators. They are cool and disciplined chaps.
Monday, 7 January 2008
The Adventures of a Lonely Guy in Catholic High - CCA Dilemma
For the past few days of school, I just walked around the school like a wandering zombie in search of a monkey in the sea. (Maybe that wasn't a good example.) Found out more about the various CCAs in school. Here are some choices:
1st CCA (main):
NCC (Land)
Concert Band
English Drama
(Sad to say, I didn't make it for the second round of audition for choir. That's means I can never join choir ever again. SOBZ...)
2nd CCA (non-main):
Debate Club
IT Club (Robotics and Progamming)
iMedia Club (includes controling the PA system, photographic club, videography club, etc. )
Friday, 4 January 2008
Bus Misfortune
Today, after school, I took the bus home as usual. As I was overly tired, I dozed off... That way... 10 minutes passed... I just arrived at Dreamland... Then... 20 minutes passed... Still dreaming... 30 minutes passed... Still deep in slumber... Somehow or rather, I waked up, finding myself still in the bus, at somewhere. Just that I don't recognise the road. After regaining my composure, I found out that... I JUST MISSED MY STOP!!! Omg!!! I quickly alighted. Stupid ME!!! How could I be so dumb??? Next time I better set an alarm. I don't know which stop was I. But that place seemed familiar. It's somewhere near Compassvale Secondary School. My school bus last year must have went past there. Anyway, I managed to reached home safe and sound in half an hour. How dumb was I???
Thursday, 3 January 2008
The Adventures of a Lonely Guy in Catholic High - First Day of School
Sorry for the late blog posting, I've been busy this few days. Anyway, my first day of school is like totally boring. Every other schools are like busy organising games for orientation. But for us, our school think that knowing our talents is a better way of starting school. That's because they want to find talents to bring pride to the school. So we have to do all kinds of sports stuff for the first day, which is extremely boring for me. At least I came in 4th in the jog (approximate length: 12.5 km). Anyway, it's totally lame. The seniors are kinda cute. We kept on teasing a senior named "Deddy". Some people called him "Papa". Lol... Although my class is kinda playful, I still miss 6D. Nothing can take over that place in my heart. Now I realised the importance of friends, but sadly, it's too late. I miss NCPS, the teachers, the friends and everyone else.
Tuesday, 1 January 2008
Welcome aboard, 2008!!!
Woo... It's 2008 here and now. This is great. Welcome the fun, the troubles, the adventures, the challenges and the situations of 2008. This year, I've gotta study harder than ever, espacially in my new school. The competition there is gonna stress me like a cat chasing its tail. To all my "family" and friends, good luck for 2008 and wish you all the bestest of the bestest... Everybody, I'll miss you.